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Revision: 17064
at August 21, 2009 16:08 by bigfaceworm

Initial Code
(defun my-insert-checkin-form (branch type date priority description module files dependencies other)
  "Insert a checkin form string into current buffer.
Called interactively, will prompt for fields."
  (interactive (list (read-string "Branch (default \"TOT\"): " nil nil "TOT")
                     (read-string "Check-in Type: (default \"internal enhancement\"): " nil nil "internal enhancement")
                     (format-time-string "%B %e, %Y")
                     (read-string "Priority: " "med")
                     (read-string "Description: ")
                     (read-string "Module: ")
                     (read-string "Files: ")
  (let* ((deps-other-str (if (not (and (= 0 (length dependencies))
                                       (= 0 (length other))))
                             (format "
Dependencies:   %s
Other:          %s
" dependencies other)
         (checkin-string-format (format "Branch:         %%s
Check-in Type:  %%s
When Ready:     %%s
Priority:       %%s%s
Description:    %%s
Module:         %%s
Files:          %%s
" deps-other-str))
         (checkin-cvs-format "cvs ci -m '%s' %s"))

    ;; first insert the check-in notice
    (insert (format checkin-string-format branch type date priority description module (my-format-files-for-checkin-string files)))
    ;; put a few newlines in
    (insert "\n\n\n\n")
    ;; then insert a cvs commit line
    (insert (format checkin-cvs-format (concat type " " description) (my-format-files-for-checkin-cvs files)))))

;; relies on string-replace
(defun my-format-files-for-checkin-string (fstr)
  "replace all whitespace in string with a newline and 16 spaces"
  (string-replace "\\s-+" "
                " fstr t))

(defun my-format-files-for-checkin-cvs (fstr)
  "replace all whitespace in string with a space"
  (string-replace "\\s-+" " " fstr t))

Initial URL

Initial Description
An example solution for the 'insert-checkin-template exercise listed here:

It generates a "pretty" check in notice to be emailed, and also generates a line you can cut/paste into a shell to check in a list of files.

Note, it relies on a previous example listed here:

Initial Title

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Emacs Lisp