Revision: 17100
Updated Code
at January 12, 2010 22:13 by rombob
Updated Code
function stringUrlFormat($str){ $underscore = chr(95); $space = chr(32); // compress multiple spaces $count = 1; while($count){ $str = str_replace(' ', $space, $str, $count); } $str = str_replace($space, $underscore, $str); return $str; }
Revision: 17099
Updated Code
at January 12, 2010 22:11 by rombob
Updated Code
function stringUrlFormat($str){ $underscore = chr(95); $space = chr(32); // compress multiple spaces $count = 1; while($count){ $str = str_replace(' ', ' ', $str, $count); } $str = str_replace($space, $underscore, $str); return $str; }
Revision: 17098
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at August 23, 2009 15:41 by rombob
Initial Code
function stringUrlEncode($str){ $underscore=chr(95); $space=" "; // check and remove multiple spaces $strArr=array(); $strTmp=""; $str=trim($str); $strArr=explode($space, $str); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($strArr) ; $i++) { if(empty($strArr[$i])){ continue; } $word=trim($strArr[$i]); if(empty($strTmp)){ $strTmp.=$word; } else { $strTmp.=$space.$word; } } $str=$strTmp; $strTmp=str_replace($space, $underscore, $strTmp); return $strTmp; }
Initial URL
Initial Description
remove multiple spaces and replace with underscore
Initial Title
string to url compatible
Initial Tags
Initial Language