Revision: 2135
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at January 3, 2007 09:59 by scottdavis99
Initial Code
def atom = { params.max = 10 params.sort = 'datePosted' params.order = 'desc' def tmpList = Item.list( params ) def feedHeader = """<feed xmlns=""> <title type="text"></title> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/> <updated>2006-12-17T18:30:02Z</updated> <author><name>Scott Davis</name></author> <id>,2006-12-18:thisIsUnique</id> <generator uri="" version="0.0.1">Hand-rolled Grails code</generator> """ def feedFooter = "</feed>" StringBuffer feed = new StringBuffer() def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'-07:00'") tmpList.each{item -> Writer sw = new StringWriter() def x = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(sw) x.entry(xmlns:""){ author{name("Scott Davis")} published(df.format(item.datePosted)) updated(df.format(item.datePosted)) link(href:"${}", rel:"alternate", title:item.title, type:"text/html") id(",2006:/item/show/${}") title(type:"text", item.title) content(type:"xhtml"){ div(xmlns:""){ p("Category: ${item.type}") p{a(href:item.url, "Original Source")} p(item.shortDescription) p(item.description) } } } feed.append(sw.toString() + "\n") } response.setContentType("application/atom+xml") render "${feedHeader}${feed}${feedFooter}" }
Initial URL
Initial Description
Here's a quick block of code that adds a valid Atom feed to you Grails application. Validate here:
Initial Title
Atom feed from Grails
Initial Tags
Initial Language