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Revision: 17485
at September 6, 2009 22:54 by enchance

Updated Code
HTML source:
<div class="rounded">
	<div class="crv_top"><div></div></div>
	<div class="info">z</div>
	<div class="crv_btm"><div></div></div>

.rounded {width:200px; margin:100px auto 0; background:#a7c8dc;}
.rounded .crv_top, .rounded .crv_top div, .rounded .crv_btm, .rounded .crv_btm div {height:3px; background:url(curves.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; _font-size:0;}
.rounded .crv_top {background-position:right -3px;}
.rounded .crv_btm {background-position:right -9px;}
.rounded .crv_btm div {background-position:0 -6px;}

Revision: 17484
at September 6, 2009 22:53 by enchance

Updated Code
HTML source:
<div class="rounded">
	<div class="crv_top"><div></div></div>
	<div class="info">z</div>
	<div class="crv_btm"><div></div></div>

.rounded {width:200px; margin:100px auto 0; background:#a7c8dc;}
.rounded .crv_top, .rounded .crv_top div, .rounded .crv_btm, .rounded .crv_btm div {height:3px; background:url(curves.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; font-size:0;}
.rounded .crv_top {background-position:right -3px;}
.rounded .crv_btm {background-position:right -9px;}
.rounded .crv_btm div {background-position:0 -6px;}

Revision: 17483
at September 6, 2009 22:50 by enchance

Updated Code
HTML source:
<div class="rounded">
	<div class="crv_top"><div></div></div>
	<div class="info">Sample text</div>
	<div class="crv_btm"><div></div></div>

.rounded {width:200px; margin:0 auto; background:#a7c8dc;}
.rounded .crv_top, .rounded .crv_top div, .rounded .crv_btm, .rounded .crv_btm div {height:3px; background:url(media/crvs.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; font-size:0;}
.rounded .crv_top {background-position:right -3px;}
.rounded .crv_btm {background-position:right -9px;}
.rounded .crv_btm div {background-position:0 -6px;}

Revision: 17482
at September 6, 2009 22:38 by enchance

Initial Code
<div class="rounded">
	<div class="crv_top"><div></div></div>
	<div class="info">Sample text</div>
	<div class="crv_btm"><div></div></div>

.rounded {width:200px; margin:0 auto; background:#a7c8dc;}
.rounded .crv_top, .rounded .crv_top div, .rounded .crv_btm, .rounded .crv_btm div {height:3px; background:url(media/crvs.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; font-size:0;}
.rounded .crv_top {background-position:right -3px;}
.rounded .crv_btm {background-position:right -9px;}
.rounded .crv_btm div {background-position:0 -6px;}

Initial URL

Initial Description
<p>Cross-browser compatible especially for IE6/7 and makes use of CSS sprites for faster downloading. Download file <a href=""> (75 bytes)</a> which contains the CSS sprite needed to make this work.</p>

Initial Title
Optimized CSS Rounded Corners Using Sprites

Initial Tags

Initial Language