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Revision: 17627
at September 10, 2009 19:08 by dsanson

Updated Code
{	completionCommand = 'bibout --bib $TM_LATEX_BIB --cite $TM_CURRENT_WORD'; }
{	completionCommand = 'bibout --bib $TM_LATEX_BIB --bibliography $TM_CURRENT_WORD'; }

Revision: 17626
at September 10, 2009 19:05 by dsanson

Initial Code
{	completionCommand = 'bibout --bib $TM_LATEX_BIB --cite $TM_CURRENT_WORD'; }

Initial URL

Initial Description
This depends on [bibout]( In TextMate, set $TM_LATEX_BIB to point to your bibtex file, and create a Preference file in your markdown (or pandoc) bundle, containing the first line of the snippet. Create another Preference file containing the second line of the snippet. The first enables autocompletion of citations; the second enables autocompletion of bibliographic entries.

Initial Title
Autocomplete pandoc-style citations from a bibtex file in textmate

Initial Tags

Initial Language