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Revision: 17949
at September 17, 2009 13:20 by awellis

Initial Code
 * Get Menu
 * Builds a menu based on what the current user has access to.
 * @return string
public function get_menu()
   // Load the available paths from the database.
   $crm = url::is_admin() ? '1' : '0';
   $sql = 'SELECT, p.parent_id, p.path, p.text
             FROM paths AS p,
                  path_users AS u
            WHERE u.user_id='.$this->user->id.'
            ORDER BY p.parent_id ASC, p.display ASC';
   $query = $this->db->query($sql);
   // Loop through the results and build a new array.
   $pages = array();
   foreach ($query as $row)
      $data = array(
         'path' => $row->path,
         'text' => $row->text
      // Parent page?
      if ($row->parent_id == 0)
         $pages[$row->id] = $data;
         $pages[$row->parent_id]['children'][] = $data;
   // Build the output
   $output = '';
   foreach ($pages as $page)
      $output .= '<ul><li><a href="'.$page['path'].'">'.$page['text'].'</a>';
      // Build children.
      $total = isset($page['children']) ? count($page['children']) : 0;
      if ($total > 0)
         $output .= '<ul>';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $total; ++$i)
            $output .= '<li><a href="'.$page['children'][$i]['path'].'">'.$page['children'][$i]['text'].'</a></li>';
         $output .= '</ul>';
      $output .= '<li></ul>';
   return $output;

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Build Menu Based on User Permissions

Initial Tags

Initial Language