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Revision: 18421
at September 30, 2009 02:24 by obsessivejosh

Initial Code
private function set_text(_txt:String, _size:Number, _font:String, _width:Number=250, txt_color:uint = 0x00CADF ):TextField{
		var txt:TextField = new TextField();
		var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
		fmt.font = _font;
		fmt.size = _size;
		fmt.leading = 1.5;
		fmt.kerning = true;
		fmt.color = txt_color;
		txt.embedFonts = true;
		txt.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
		txt.multiline = true;
		txt.wordWrap = true;
		txt.antiAliasType ='advanced';
		txt.width = _width;
		txt.autoSize = 'left';
		txt.text = _txt;
		return txt ;

Initial URL

Initial Description
note to self - Basic settings for clean text in as3 flash project assuming fonts are embedded.

Initial Title
Clean Text In Flash

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3