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Revision: 2301
at April 24, 2008 01:47 by plexus

Updated Code
svn status|grep '?' |cut -b 8-|xargs svn add

Revision: 2300
at April 24, 2008 01:45 by plexus

Updated Code
svn status | grep '?' | ruby -e 'while(gets) do; puts `svn add #{$_[/ .*/]}`;end'

Revision: 2299
at January 31, 2007 06:42 by plexus

Initial Code
svn status | grep '?' | ruby -e 'while(gets) do; puts `svn add #{$_[\ .*/]}`;end'

Initial URL

Initial Description
There's another snippet here that's pure Ruby. This one can be used from the command line directly. The previous version still used Ruby, this one is pure shell.

Initial Title
Import all new files in a subversion working copy

Initial Tags
svn, ruby

Initial Language