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Revision: 18599
at October 3, 2009 20:40 by segdeha

Updated Code
$(function () {
	// <div id="account"></div> is the page to which i'm transitioning
	$('#account').bind('pageAnimationStart', function (evt, info) {
		// this alert never fires
		if ('in' === info.direction) {
			// do stuff

Revision: 18598
at October 3, 2009 20:37 by segdeha

Initial Code
$(function () {
	$('#account').bind('pageAnimationStart', function (evt, info) {
		// this alert never fires
		if ('in' === info.direction) {
			// do stuff

Initial URL

Initial Description
I'm building my first jQTouch application. I want to do stuff before the user transitions to a particular page, but the callback never gets called. What am I doing wrong?

Initial Title
jQTouch pageAnimationStart callback not firing

Initial Tags

Initial Language