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Revision: 2458
at February 23, 2007 13:46 by ejboy

Initial Code
        <connection driver="hsqldb" url="jdbc:hsqldb:file:tracks" user="sa" classpath="hsqldb.jar"/>
            CREATE TABLE Track (
              ID INT,
              ALBUM_ID INT,
              NAME VARCHAR(100),
            <!-- Inserts file with path relative to ETL script location -->
            INSERT INTO Track(id, album_id, name, data) VALUES
                   (1, 1, 'Song1.mp3', ?{file 'song1.mp3'});
            <!-- Inserts file from an external URL-->
            INSERT INTO Track(id, album_id, name, data) VALUES
                   (2, 2, 'Song2.mp3', ?{file ''});

Initial URL

Initial Description
Scriptella ETL allows inserting files into a database. This is achieved by a simple bind variables extension syntax ?{file ...}.
The following sample initializes table of music tracks. Each track has a DATA field containing a file loaded from an external location. File song1.mp3 is stored in the same directory as etl.xml and song2.mp3 is loaded from the web:

Initial Title
ETL Script to Insert BLOB from File into a Database

Initial Tags
database, xml

Initial Language