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Revision: 2459
at February 23, 2007 13:49 by ejboy

Initial Code
  <connection id="in" driver="hsqldb" url="jdbc:hsqldb:file:demo" 
              classpath="hsqldb.jar" user="sa"/>
  <connection id="out" driver="oracle" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL" 
              classpath="ojdbc14.jar" user="scott" password="tiger"/>
  <!-- Copy all table rows from one to another database -->
  <query connection-id="in">
      SELECT * FROM Src_Table --Selects all rows
      <!-- For each row executes insert -->  
      <script connection-id="out"> 
          INSERT INTO Dest_Table(ID, Name) 
          VALUES (?id,?{first_name+' '+last_name})

Initial URL

Initial Description
This Scriptella ETL script copies all rows from Src_Table to Dest_Table.
Src_Table contains the following columns: id, first_name, last_name
Dest_Table contains the following columns: id, name
The name column of the Dest_Table is produced by a concatenation of first_name and last_name from the Src_Table
This example demonstrates HSQLDB-To-Oracle copy procedure, although it works between virtually any databases.

Initial Title
Copy table from one database to another

Initial Tags
database, xml

Initial Language