Revision: 19725
Updated Code
at October 29, 2009 14:25 by benjamin
Updated Code
function Y=svmlight(training,test,params) % (very) simple wrapper for svmlight % write matrices in sparse format to data file that can be used by svmlight. % Columns are variables, rows are observations. % It is assumed that the first column of the matrix is the target. Targets are elements of {-1,1}. % % These steps are made: % 1. output matlab matrix to text file % 2. format text file for svm (awk) % 3. create classification model (svm_learn) % 4. apply classification model (svm_classify) % % All files are written in the /tmp/ directory, if you are on windows you might want to change that to the current directory ("."). Obviously you need awk installed for this function to work. Assumes svm-light perf is installed in the svmlight subdirectory (change path if necessary). % % Example: % Y=svmlight(data(traininds,:),data(testinds,:),'-c 1 -w 3 -l 10 '); % (if you set parameters for svmlight don't forget to include the learning options!) % % (c) Benjamin Auffarth, 2008 % licensed under CC-by-sa (creative commons attribution share-alike) if nargin<3 params='-c 1 -# 1 -w 3 -l 10 '; end trainfile=sparse_write(training); [s,w]=system(['./svmlight/svm_perf_learn ' params trainfile '.svm2 ' trainfile '.model']); if s disp('error in executing smv-light!');w, error('svm_perf_learn not found or returned error'); end testfile=sparse_write(test); [s,w]=system(['./svmlight/svm_perf_classify -v 0 ' testfile '.svm2 ' trainfile '.model ' testfile '.dat']); if s disp('error in executing smv-light!');w, error('svm_perf_classify not found or returned error'); end Y=dlmread([testfile '.dat']); end function fname=sparse_write(M) [a,fname]=system('date +/tmp/_svm_%F_-%H:%M_%S%N'); fname=fname(1:end-1); % get rid of newline character dlmwrite([fname '.svm1'],M,'delimiter',' '); system(['awk -F" " ''{printf $1" "; for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) {printf i-1":"$i " "}; print ""}'' ' fname '.svm1 > ' fname '.svm2']); end
Revision: 19724
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at October 29, 2009 14:09 by benjamin
Initial Code
function Y=svmlight(training,test,params) % (very) simple wrapper for svmlight % write matrices in sparse format to data file that can be used by svmlight. % Columns are variables, rows are observations. % It is assumed that the first column of the matrix is the target. Targets are elements of {-1,1}. % % These steps are made: % 1. output matlab matrix to text file % 2. format text file for svm (awk) % 3. create classification model (svm_learn) % 4. apply classification model (svm_classify) % % All files are written in the /tmp/ directory. If you are working on Windows you might want to change this to the current directory "." % % Example: % Y=svmlight(data(traininds,:),data(testinds,:),'-c 1 -w 3 -l 10 '); % (if you set parameters for svmlight don't forget to include the learning options!) % % (c) Benjamin Auffarth, 2008 % licensed under CC-by-sa (creative commons attribution share-alike) if nargin<3 params='-c 1 -# 1 -w 3 -l 10 '; end trainfile=sparse_write(training); [s,w]=system(['svmlight/svm_perf_learn ' params trainfile '.svm2 ' trainfile '.model']); if s disp('error in executing smv-light!');w; error('svm_perf_learn not found or returned error'); end testfile=sparse_write(test); [s,w]=system(['svmlight/svm_perf_classify -v 0 ' testfile '.svm2 ' trainfile '.model ' testfile '.dat']); if s disp('error in executing smv-light!');w; error('svm_perf_classify not found or returned error'); end Y=dlmread([testfile '.dat']); end function fname=sparse_write(M) [a,fname]=system('date +/tmp/_svm_%F_-%H:%M_%S%N'); fname=fname(1:end-1); % get rid of newline character dlmwrite([fname '.svm1'],M,'delimiter',' '); system(['awk -F" " ''{printf $1" "; for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) {printf i-1":"$i " "}; print ""}'' ' fname '.svm1 > ' fname '.svm2']); end
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please leave comments on my blog. you need awk installed (obviously). Files are stored in the "/tmp/" directory, if you are on windows you might want to change that to the current directory (".").
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