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Revision: 2590
at March 13, 2007 09:46 by vanne

Updated Code
dpkg -l
# you can alternatively search for packages using the following
dpkg -l | grep [enter_search_term_here]
# or if you like shortcuts, here is one that you can put in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile
# instead type in dpkg ... you can use : find_package "name_of_package"
find_package () { dpkg -l | grep "$1"; }

Revision: 2589
at March 13, 2007 08:13 by vanne

Initial Code
dpkg -l
# you can alternatively search for packages using the following
dpkg -l | grep [enter_search_term_here]

Initial URL

Initial Description
List all packages that are installed in your system

Initial Title
List/Search Packages installed

Initial Tags
Bash, ubuntu

Initial Language