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Revision: 2613
at March 14, 2007 09:32 by 1man

Initial Code
/*Executed on click. Passes the url to the function. Function opens the URL then
 *the parseResponse function is called 
function grabFile(file) {
	var request = getHTTPObject();
	request.onreadystatechange = function() {
		parseResponse(request);//this is what happens once complete
/*Once the request state is complete and the file exists, it grabs the results
 * div, and inserts the response text and innerHTML.
function parseResponse(request) {
	if(request.readyState == 4){
		if(request.status == 200 || request.status == 304){
			var results = document.getElementById("results");
			results.innerHTML = request.responseText;
		} else {
			alert("Something Broke!");

Initial URL

Initial Description
Simply replaces the div's innerHTML with the response text received from the file.

Initial Title
Pull in Info from a HTML File using innerHTML

Initial Tags
ajax, file, html, DOM

Initial Language