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Revision: 224
at July 5, 2006 11:08 by 1man

Initial Code
blockquote {
	position: relative;
	text-indent: 2em;

.bqend { font-size: 300%; }

/* apply IE specific rules first */
.bqstart {
	text-indent: 0;
	margin: -0.6em 0 -2em 0;
	float: left;

blockquote > .bqstart {
	/* add extra non-ie rules */
	position: absolute;
	top: -0.2em;
	left: 0;
	/* remove IE specific rules */
	float: none;
	margin: 0;

.bqend {
	position: absolute;
	margin-top: -0.6em;
	right: 0;
	text-indent: 0;

blockquote > .bqend {
	margin-top: -0.2em;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Markup example: See Big Curly Quotes Markup.
Thx to No need for images to make big quotes on a page, CSS does it for you. Tested in many browsers.

Initial Title
Big Curly Blockquotes

Initial Tags

Initial Language