Revision: 21231
Updated Code
at December 28, 2009 07:55 by alejandromb
Updated Code
package kc.utils { import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError; import flash.system.ApplicationDomain; import flash.utils.describeType; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName; import kc.core.KCStatic; public class ClassUtil extends KCStatic { // @const private static const RESOLVE_NAME:String = "name"; private static const RESOLVE_PACKAGE:String = "package"; private static const RESOLVE_PATH:String = "path"; private static const RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX:String = "pathComplex"; private static const RESOLVE_CONSTANT:String = "constant"; private static const RESOLVE_EXTENDS:String = "extendsClass"; private static const RESOLVE_INTERFACE:String = "implementsInterface"; private static const RESOLVE_METHOD:String = "method"; private static const RESOLVE_PROPERTY:String = "accessor"; private static const RESOLVE_PROPERTY_READ:String = "readonly"; private static const RESOLVE_PROPERTY_WRITABLE:String = "readwrite"; private static const RESOLVE_VARIABLE:String = "variable"; private static const RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE:String = "getInstance"; private static const RESOLVE_GET_CLASS:String = "getClass"; private static const RESOLVE_HAS_CLASS:String = "hasClass"; // package.package.package:, package.package.package:: private static const PATTERN_NAME:RegExp = /^[a-z].+([\:]+|[\.])/; // .Class, :Class, ::Class private static const PATTERN_PACKAGE:RegExp = /([\:]+|[\.])[A-Z]\w*$/; // :, :: private static const PATTERN_PATH:RegExp = /\:+/g; // @constructor public function ClassUtil() { super(); } // @class public static function getInstance( value:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):* { return ClassUtil.ResolveClass( value, RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE, domain ); } public static function getClass( value:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):Class { return ClassUtil.ResolveClass( value, RESOLVE_GET_CLASS, domain ); } public static function hasClass( value:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):Boolean { return ClassUtil.ResolveClass( value, RESOLVE_HAS_CLASS, domain ); } public static function ResolveClass( value:String, type:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):* { if ( domain == null ) { domain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; } value = ClassUtil.pathComplexName( value ); if ( type == RESOLVE_HAS_CLASS ) { return domain.hasDefinition( value ); } try { var instance:Class = domain.getDefinition( value ) as Class; return ( type != RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE ) ? instance : new instance(); } catch (e:Error) { throw new IllegalOperationError( ( ( type != RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE ) ? "Cannot find class with qualified class name: \"" : "Cannot create class with qualified class name: \"" ) + value + "\"" ); } } // @names public static function longName( value:* ):String { return getQualifiedClassName( value ); } public static function shortName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_NAME ); } public static function packageName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PACKAGE ); } public static function pathName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH ); } public static function pathComplexName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX ); } public static function SLongName( value:* ):String { return getQualifiedSuperclassName( value ); } public static function SShortName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_NAME, true ); } public static function SPackageName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PACKAGE, true ); } public static function SPathName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH, true ); } public static function SPathComplexName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX, true ); } private static function ResolveNames( value:*, type:String, inheritance:Boolean = false ):String { var source:String; if( typeof( value ) != "string" ){ source = ( ! inheritance ) ? longName( value ) : SLongName( value ); }else{ source = value; } switch( type ){ case RESOLVE_NAME: return source.replace( PATTERN_NAME, "" ); case RESOLVE_PACKAGE: source = source.replace( PATTERN_PACKAGE, "" ); return ( source != value ) ? source : new String(); case RESOLVE_PATH: return source.replace( PATTERN_PATH, "." ); case RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX: return String( ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PACKAGE ) + "::" + ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_NAME ) ); } return value; } // @thisIs public static function isDynamic( value:* ):Boolean { return ( describeType( value ).@isDynamic.toString() == "true" ); } public static function isFinal( value:* ):Boolean { return ( describeType( value ).@isFinal.toString() == "true" ); } public static function isStatic( value:* ):Boolean { return ( describeType( value ).@isStatic.toString() == "true" ); } public static function isConstant( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_CONSTANT ); } public static function isInterface( value:* ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, null, RESOLVE_INTERFACE ); } public static function isMethod( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_METHOD ); } public static function isProperty( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY ); } public static function isPropertyRead( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY_READ ); } public static function isPropertyWritable( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY_WRITABLE ); } private static function ResolveThisIs( value:*, name:String, type:String ):Boolean { if ( type == RESOLVE_INTERFACE ) { var describe:XML = describeType( value ); return ( describe.@base == "Class" && describe.@isStatic == "true" && describe.factory..extendsClass.length() == 0 ) ? true : false; } var source:XMLList = ClassUtil.ResolveCaptureNode( value, type ); return ( source.( @name == name ).@name.toString() == name ); } // @list public static function constantsList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_CONSTANT ); } public static function heritageList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_EXTENDS ); } public static function interfacesList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_INTERFACE ); } public static function methodsList( value:*, inherited:int = 0 ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_METHOD, inherited ); } public static function propertiesList( value:*, inherited:int = 0 ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_PROPERTY, inherited ); } public static function variablesList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_VARIABLE ); } private static function ResolveListAttributes( value:*, type:String, inherited:int = 0 ):Array { var list:Array = new Array(); var inheritance:String = ClassUtil.pathComplexName( value ); var source:XMLList = ClassUtil.ResolveCaptureNode( value, type ); for each( var element:XML in source ){ switch( type ){ case RESOLVE_CONSTANT: case RESOLVE_VARIABLE: list.push( element.@name ); break; case RESOLVE_EXTENDS: case RESOLVE_INTERFACE: list.push( element.@type ); break; case RESOLVE_METHOD: case RESOLVE_PROPERTY: if( inherited == 0 || ( inherited == -1 && element.@declaredBy != inheritance ) || ( inherited == 1 && element.@declaredBy == inheritance ) ){ list.push( element.@name ); } break; } } return list; } // @implemented public static function implementsMethod( value:*, inheritance:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ClassUtil.ResolveImplemented( value, inheritance, name, RESOLVE_METHOD ); } public static function implementsProperty( value:*, inheritance:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ClassUtil.ResolveImplemented( value, inheritance, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY ); } private static function ResolveImplemented( value:*, inheritance:*, name:String, type:String ):Boolean { var source:XMLList = ClassUtil.ResolveCaptureNode( value, type ); if ( typeof( value ) != "string" ) { value = longName( value ); } if ( typeof( inheritance ) != "string" ) { inheritance = longName( inheritance ); } return ( source.( @name == name ).@declaredBy == inheritance ); } // @helpers private static function ResolveCaptureNode( value:*, type:String ):XMLList { var source:XML = describeType( value ); switch( type ){ case RESOLVE_CONSTANT: return source..constant; case RESOLVE_EXTENDS: return source..extendsClass; case RESOLVE_METHOD: return source..method; case RESOLVE_PROPERTY: return source..accessor; case RESOLVE_PROPERTY_READ: case RESOLVE_PROPERTY_WRITABLE: return source..accessor.( @access == type ); case RESOLVE_INTERFACE: return source..implementsInterface; case RESOLVE_VARIABLE: return source..variable; default: return null; } } } } package kc.core { import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError; public class KCStatic extends Object { // @constructor public function KCStatic() { throw new IllegalOperationError()( "Illegal instantiation attempted on class of static type." ); } } }
Revision: 21230
Updated Code
at December 7, 2009 11:56 by alejandromb
Updated Code
package kc.utils { import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError; import flash.system.ApplicationDomain; import flash.utils.describeType; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName; import kc.core.KCStatic; public class ClassUtil extends KCStatic { // @const private static const RESOLVE_NAME:String = "name"; private static const RESOLVE_PACKAGE:String = "package"; private static const RESOLVE_PATH:String = "path"; private static const RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX:String = "pathComplex"; private static const RESOLVE_CONSTANT:String = "constant"; private static const RESOLVE_EXTENDS:String = "extendsClass"; private static const RESOLVE_INTERFACE:String = "implementsInterface"; private static const RESOLVE_METHOD:String = "method"; private static const RESOLVE_PROPERTY:String = "accessor"; private static const RESOLVE_PROPERTY_READ:String = "readonly"; private static const RESOLVE_PROPERTY_WRITABLE:String = "readwrite"; private static const RESOLVE_VARIABLE:String = "variable"; private static const RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE:String = "getInstance"; private static const RESOLVE_GET_CLASS:String = "getClass"; private static const RESOLVE_HAS_CLASS:String = "hasClass"; // package.package.package:, package.package.package:: private static const PATTERN_NAME:RegExp = /^[a-z].+([\:]+|[\.])/; // .Class, :Class, ::Class private static const PATTERN_PACKAGE:RegExp = /([\:]+|[\.])[A-Z]\w*$/; // :, :: private static const PATTERN_PATH:RegExp = /\:+/g; // @constructor public function ClassUtil() { super(); } // @class public static function getInstance( value:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):* { return ClassUtil.ResolveClass( value, RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE, domain ); } public static function getClass( value:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):Class { return ClassUtil.ResolveClass( value, RESOLVE_GET_CLASS, domain ); } public static function hasClass( value:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):Boolean { return ClassUtil.ResolveClass( value, RESOLVE_HAS_CLASS, domain ); } public static function ResolveClass( value:String, type:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):* { if ( domain == null ) { domain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; } value = ClassUtil.pathComplexName( value ); if ( type == RESOLVE_HAS_CLASS ) { return domain.hasDefinition( value ); } try { var instance:Class = domain.getDefinition( value ) as Class; return ( type != RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE ) ? instance : new instance(); } catch (e:Error) { throw new IllegalOperationError( ( ( type != RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE ) ? "Cannot find class with qualified class name: \"" : "Cannot create class with qualified class name: \"" ) + value + "\"" ); } } // @names public static function longName( value:* ):String { return getQualifiedClassName( value ); } public static function shortName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_NAME ); } public static function packageName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PACKAGE ); } public static function pathName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH ); } public static function pathComplexName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX ); } public static function SLongName( value:* ):String { return getQualifiedSuperclassName( value ); } public static function SShortName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_NAME, true ); } public static function SPackageName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PACKAGE, true ); } public static function SPathName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH, true ); } public static function SPathComplexName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX, true ); } private static function ResolveNames( value:*, type:String, inheritance:Boolean = false ):String { var source:String; if( typeof( value ) != "string" ){ source = ( ! inheritance ) ? longName( value ) : SLongName( value ); }else{ source = value; } switch( type ){ case RESOLVE_NAME: return source.replace( PATTERN_NAME, "" ); case RESOLVE_PACKAGE: source = source.replace( PATTERN_PACKAGE, "" ); return ( source != value ) ? source : new String(); case RESOLVE_PATH: return source.replace( PATTERN_PATH, "." ); case RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX: return String( ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PACKAGE ) + "::" + ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_NAME ) ); } return value; } // @thisIs public static function isDynamic( value:* ):Boolean { return ( describeType( value ).@isDynamic.toString() == "true" ); } public static function isFinal( value:* ):Boolean { return ( describeType( value ).@isFinal.toString() == "true" ); } public static function isStatic( value:* ):Boolean { return ( describeType( value ).@isStatic.toString() == "true" ); } public static function isConstant( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_CONSTANT ); } public static function isInterface( value:* ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, null, RESOLVE_INTERFACE ); } public static function isMethod( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_METHOD ); } public static function isProperty( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY ); } public static function isPropertyRead( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY_READ ); } public static function isPropertyWritable( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY_WRITABLE ); } private static function ResolveThisIs( value:*, name:String, type:String ):Boolean { if ( type == RESOLVE_INTERFACE ) { var describe:XML = describeType( value ); return ( describe.@base == "Class" && describe.@isStatic == " true" && describe.factory..extendsClass.length() == 0 ) ? true : false; } var source:XMLList = ClassUtil.ResolveCaptureNode( value, type ); return ( source.( @name == name ).@name.toString() == name ); } // @list public static function constantsList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_CONSTANT ); } public static function heritageList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_EXTENDS ); } public static function interfacesList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_INTERFACE ); } public static function methodsList( value:*, inherited:int = 0 ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_METHOD, inherited ); } public static function propertiesList( value:*, inherited:int = 0 ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_PROPERTY, inherited ); } public static function variablesList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_VARIABLE ); } private static function ResolveListAttributes( value:*, type:String, inherited:int = 0 ):Array { var list:Array = new Array(); var inheritance:String = ClassUtil.pathComplexName( value ); var source:XMLList = ClassUtil.ResolveCaptureNode( value, type ); for each( var element:XML in source ){ switch( type ){ case RESOLVE_CONSTANT: case RESOLVE_VARIABLE: list.push( element.@name ); break; case RESOLVE_EXTENDS: case RESOLVE_INTERFACE: list.push( element.@type ); break; case RESOLVE_METHOD: case RESOLVE_PROPERTY: if( inherited == 0 || ( inherited == -1 && element.@declaredBy != inheritance ) || ( inherited == 1 && element.@declaredBy == inheritance ) ){ list.push( element.@name ); } break; } } return list; } // @implemented public static function implementsMethod( value:*, inheritance:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ClassUtil.ResolveImplemented( value, inheritance, name, RESOLVE_METHOD ); } public static function implementsProperty( value:*, inheritance:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ClassUtil.ResolveImplemented( value, inheritance, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY ); } private static function ResolveImplemented( value:*, inheritance:*, name:String, type:String ):Boolean { var source:XMLList = ClassUtil.ResolveCaptureNode( value, type ); if ( typeof( value ) != "string" ) { value = longName( value ); } if ( typeof( inheritance ) != "string" ) { inheritance = longName( inheritance ); } return ( source.( @name == name ).@declaredBy == inheritance ); } // @helpers private static function ResolveCaptureNode( value:*, type:String ):XMLList { var source:XML = describeType( value ); switch( type ){ case RESOLVE_CONSTANT: return source..constant; case RESOLVE_EXTENDS: return source..extendsClass; case RESOLVE_METHOD: return source..method; case RESOLVE_PROPERTY: return source..accessor; case RESOLVE_PROPERTY_READ: case RESOLVE_PROPERTY_WRITABLE: return source..accessor.( @access == type ); case RESOLVE_INTERFACE: return source..implementsInterface; case RESOLVE_VARIABLE: return source..variable; default: return null; } } } } package kc.core { import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError; public class KCStatic extends Object { // @constructor public function KCStatic() { throw new IllegalOperationError()( "Illegal instantiation attempted on class of static type." ); } } }
Revision: 21229
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
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Initial Language
at December 7, 2009 11:54 by alejandromb
Initial Code
package kc.utils { import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError; import flash.system.ApplicationDomain; import flash.utils.describeType; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName; import kc.core.KCStatic; public class ClassUtil extends KCStatic { // @const private static const RESOLVE_NAME:String = "name"; private static const RESOLVE_PACKAGE:String = "package"; private static const RESOLVE_PATH:String = "path"; private static const RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX:String = "pathComplex"; private static const RESOLVE_CONSTANT:String = "constant"; private static const RESOLVE_EXTENDS:String = "extendsClass"; private static const RESOLVE_INTERFACE:String = "implementsInterface"; private static const RESOLVE_METHOD:String = "method"; private static const RESOLVE_PROPERTY:String = "accessor"; private static const RESOLVE_PROPERTY_READ:String = "readonly"; private static const RESOLVE_PROPERTY_WRITABLE:String = "readwrite"; private static const RESOLVE_VARIABLE:String = "variable"; private static const RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE:String = "getInstance"; private static const RESOLVE_GET_CLASS:String = "getClass"; private static const RESOLVE_HAS_CLASS:String = "hasClass"; // package.package.package:, package.package.package:: private static const PATTERN_NAME:RegExp = /^[a-z].+([\:]+|[\.])/; // .Class, :Class, ::Class private static const PATTERN_PACKAGE:RegExp = /([\:]+|[\.])[A-Z]\w*$/; // :, :: private static const PATTERN_PATH:RegExp = /\:+/g; // @constructor public function ClassUtil() { super(); } // @class public static function getInstance( value:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):* { return ClassUtil.ResolveClass( value, RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE, domain ); } public static function getClass( value:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):Class { return ClassUtil.ResolveClass( value, RESOLVE_GET_CLASS, domain ); } public static function hasClass( value:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):Boolean { return ClassUtil.ResolveClass( value, RESOLVE_HAS_CLASS, domain ); } public static function ResolveClass( value:String, type:String, domain:ApplicationDomain = null ):* { if ( domain == null ) { domain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; } value = ClassUtil.pathComplexName( value ); if ( type == RESOLVE_HAS_CLASS ) { return domain.hasDefinition( value ); } try { var instance:Class = domain.getDefinition( value ) as Class; return ( type != RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE ) ? instance : new instance(); } catch (e:Error) { throw new IllegalOperationError( ( ( type != RESOLVE_GET_INSTANCE ) ? "Cannot find class with qualified class name: \"" : "Cannot create class with qualified class name: \"" ) + value + "\"" ); } } // @names public static function longName( value:* ):String { return getQualifiedClassName( value ); } public static function shortName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_NAME ); } public static function packageName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PACKAGE ); } public static function pathName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH ); } public static function pathComplexName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX ); } public static function SLongName( value:* ):String { return getQualifiedSuperclassName( value ); } public static function SShortName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_NAME, true ); } public static function SPackageName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PACKAGE, true ); } public static function SPathName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH, true ); } public static function SPathComplexName( value:* ):String { return ClassUtil.ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX, true ); } private static function ResolveNames( value:*, type:String, inheritance:Boolean = false ):String { var source:String; if( typeof( value ) != "string" ){ source = ( ! inheritance ) ? longName( value ) : SLongName( value ); }else{ source = value; } switch( type ){ case RESOLVE_NAME: return source.replace( PATTERN_NAME, "" ); case RESOLVE_PACKAGE: source = source.replace( PATTERN_PACKAGE, "" ); return ( source != value ) ? source : new String(); case RESOLVE_PATH: return source.replace( PATTERN_PATH, "." ); case RESOLVE_PATH_COMPLEX: return String( ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_PACKAGE ) + "::" + ResolveNames( value, RESOLVE_NAME ) ); } return value; } // @thisIs public static function isDynamic( value:* ):Boolean { return ( describeType( value ).@isDynamic.toString() == "true" ); } public static function isFinal( value:* ):Boolean { return ( describeType( value ).@isFinal.toString() == "true" ); } public static function isStatic( value:* ):Boolean { return ( describeType( value ).@isStatic.toString() == "true" ); } public static function isConstant( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_CONSTANT ); } public static function isInterface( value:* ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, null, RESOLVE_INTERFACE ); } public static function isMethod( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_METHOD ); } public static function isProperty( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY ); } public static function isPropertyRead( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY_READ ); } public static function isPropertyWritable( value:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ResolveThisIs( value, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY_WRITABLE ); } private static function ResolveThisIs( value:*, name:String, type:String ):Boolean { if ( type == RESOLVE_INTERFACE ) { var describe:XML = describeType( value ); return ( describe.@base == "Class" && describe.@isStatic == " true" && describe.factory..extendsClass.length() == 0 ) ? true : false; } var source:XMLList = ClassUtil.ResolveCaptureNode( value, type ); return ( source.( @name == name ).@name.toString() == name ); } // @list public static function constantsList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_CONSTANT ); } public static function heritageList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_EXTENDS ); } public static function interfacesList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_INTERFACE ); } public static function methodsList( value:*, inherited:int = 0 ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_METHOD, inherited ); } public static function propertiesList( value:*, inherited:int = 0 ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_PROPERTY, inherited ); } public static function variablesList( value:* ):Array { return ClassUtil.ResolveListAttributes( value, RESOLVE_VARIABLE ); } private static function ResolveListAttributes( value:*, type:String, inherited:int = 0 ):Array { var list:Array = new Array(); var inheritance:String = ClassUtil.pathComplexName( value ); var source:XMLList = ClassUtil.ResolveCaptureNode( value, type ); for each( var element:XML in source ){ switch( type ){ case RESOLVE_CONSTANT: case RESOLVE_VARIABLE: list.push( element.@name ); break; case RESOLVE_EXTENDS: case RESOLVE_INTERFACE: list.push( element.@type ); break; case RESOLVE_METHOD: case RESOLVE_PROPERTY: if( inherited == 0 || ( inherited == -1 && element.@declaredBy != inheritance ) || ( inherited == 1 && element.@declaredBy == inheritance ) ){ list.push( element.@name ); } break; } } return list; } // @implemented public static function implementsMethod( value:*, inheritance:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ClassUtil.ResolveImplemented( value, inheritance, name, RESOLVE_METHOD ); } public static function implementsProperty( value:*, inheritance:*, name:String ):Boolean { return ClassUtil.ResolveImplemented( value, inheritance, name, RESOLVE_PROPERTY ); } private static function ResolveImplemented( value:*, inheritance:*, name:String, type:String ):Boolean { var source:XMLList = ClassUtil.ResolveCaptureNode( value, type ); if ( typeof( value ) != "string" ) { value = longName( value ); } if ( typeof( inheritance ) != "string" ) { inheritance = longName( inheritance ); } return ( source.( @name == name ).@declaredBy == inheritance ); } // @helpers private static function ResolveCaptureNode( value:*, type:String ):XMLList { var source:XML = describeType( value ); switch( type ){ case RESOLVE_CONSTANT: return source..constant; case RESOLVE_EXTENDS: return source..extendsClass; case RESOLVE_METHOD: return source..method; case RESOLVE_PROPERTY: return source..accessor; case RESOLVE_PROPERTY_READ: case RESOLVE_PROPERTY_WRITABLE: return source..accessor.( @access == type ); case RESOLVE_INTERFACE: return source..implementsInterface; case RESOLVE_VARIABLE: return source..variable; default: return null; } } } }
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
AS3 | ClassUtil | Reflection
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ActionScript 3