Revision: 21628
Updated Code
at December 16, 2009 15:10 by mpcircuitry
Updated Code
<?php class DB_CONNECTION { private $server; private $user; private $pass; private $db; private $constring; protected $resultSet; private $conn; public $rowCount; function __construct($connectNow = true) { $this->server = 'myserver'; $this->db = 'db_name'; $this->user = 'db_user'; $this->pass = 'db_pass'; $this->constring = "DRIVER={SQL Native Client};SERVER=$this->server;DATABASE=$this->db"; if($connectNow) { $this->connect(); } } public function connect() { $this->conn = odbc_connect($this->constring, $this->user, $this->pass) or die('Could not connect'); } public function disconnect() { odbc_close($this->conn); } public function executeQuery($sqlString, $sqlParams = null, $errMsg = 'Unkwon Error') { if($this->resultSet) { odbc_free_result($this->resultSet); } if($sqlParams==null) { $this->resultSet = odbc_exec($this->conn, $sqlString) or die($errMsg); } else { $this->resultSet = odbc_prepare($this->conn, $sqlString); odbc_execute($this->resultSet, $sqlParams) or die($errMsg); } } public function fetchArrayList() { $row = array(); $rows = array(); while(odbc_fetch_into($this->resultSet, $row)) { array_push($rows,$row); } $this->fetchRowCount($rows); return $rows; } public function fetchArrayListEx() { $i = 0 ; $j = 0; $tmpResult = array(); while(odbc_fetch_row($this->resultSet)) { for($j=1; $j<= odbc_num_fields($this->resultSet); $j++) { $fieldName = odbc_field_name($this->resultSet,$j); $ar[$fieldName] = odbc_result($this->resultSet,$fieldName); } $tmpResult[$i] = $ar; $i++; } //sets row count property $this->fetchRowCount($tmpResult); return $tmpResult; } private function fetchRowCount($arrCount ) { if(is_array($arrCount)) { $this->rowCount = sizeof($arrCount); } } public function printOut($obj) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($obj); echo "</pre>"; } } ?>
Revision: 21627
Initial Code
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Initial Description
Initial Title
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Initial Language
at December 16, 2009 15:10 by mpcircuitry
Initial Code
<?php class DB_CONNECTION { private $server; private $user; private $pass; private $db; private $constring; protected $resultSet; private $conn; public $rowCount; //$dsn = "DRIVER={SQL Native Client};SERVER=mac-dev\sqlexpress;DATABASE=MPH_DEV"; function __construct($connectNow = true) { $this->server = 'myserver'; $this->db = 'db_name'; $this->user = 'db_user'; $this->pass = 'db_pass'; $this->constring = "DRIVER={SQL Native Client};SERVER=$this->server;DATABASE=$this->db"; if($connectNow) { $this->connect(); } } public function connect() { $this->conn = odbc_connect($this->constring, $this->user, $this->pass) or die('Could not connect'); } public function disconnect() { odbc_close($this->conn); } public function executeQuery($sqlString, $sqlParams = null, $errMsg = 'Unkwon Error') { if($this->resultSet) { odbc_free_result($this->resultSet); } if($sqlParams==null) { $this->resultSet = odbc_exec($this->conn, $sqlString) or die($errMsg); } else { $this->resultSet = odbc_prepare($this->conn, $sqlString); odbc_execute($this->resultSet, $sqlParams) or die($errMsg); } } public function fetchArrayList() { $row = array(); $rows = array(); while(odbc_fetch_into($this->resultSet, $row)) { array_push($rows,$row); } $this->fetchRowCount($rows); return $rows; } public function fetchArrayListEx() { $i = 0 ; $j = 0; $tmpResult = array(); while(odbc_fetch_row($this->resultSet)) { for($j=1; $j<= odbc_num_fields($this->resultSet); $j++) { $fieldName = odbc_field_name($this->resultSet,$j); $ar[$fieldName] = odbc_result($this->resultSet,$fieldName); } $tmpResult[$i] = $ar; $i++; } //sets row count property $this->fetchRowCount($tmpResult); return $tmpResult; } private function fetchRowCount($arrCount ) { if(is_array($arrCount)) { $this->rowCount = sizeof($arrCount); } } public function printOut($obj) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($obj); echo "</pre>"; } } ?>
Initial URL
Initial Description
This is the first version of my PHP DB connection class using ODBC
Initial Title
PHP Connection Class ODBC v1
Initial Tags
Initial Language