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at December 18, 2009 07:46 by philkav

Initial Code
%%	What have the romans ever done for us?      %%%%
%%	Written by : Philip Kavanagh	            %%%%%
%%      DT228/4 - C06412882		            %%%%%% 
%%	Prologue Assignment December 2009           %%%%%%%

%% 			-- INSTRUCTIONS --		   	     %%%
%% Prolog will print a statement, prompts user for input. 	     %%%%
%% User enters a sentance and ends it with a full stop,              %%%%%
%% exclamation point or question mark. Prolog will then decide       %%%%%%
%% whether or not the answer is valid and will return it's decision. %%%%%%%

%% said(X) :- assert(X, "a", X), retract said(Y), assert said(X)

%% ----- Function called BY THE MAIN FUNCTION (See last line of code) the first time the program is run
	nl,write('REG : They bled us white, the bastards. They\'ve taken everything we had. And not just from us! From our fathers,and from our father\'s fathers.'),
	nl,write('LOR : And from our father\'s father\'s fathers.'),
	nl,write('REG : Yeah.'),
	nl,write('LOR : And from our father\'s father\'s father\'s fathers.'),
	nl,write('REG : Yeah, all right Stan, don\'t delay with the point. And what have they ever given us in return?'),
	nl,write('REG : What have the romans ever done for us?'),nl,run.

%% ----- this is the programs base
	write('YOU : '),getSentance(_),nl,run.

%% ----- To end the program. (This may be incorrectly applied).

%% ----- read list and pick keywords -----
%% ----- Search recursively through the list - If you find the word, cut out, otherwise search the remainder of the list.
%% ----- exclamation mark '!' is used to cut.
	contains([aqueduct|_])    :- !,write('REG : Oh. Yeah, yeah, they did give us the aqueduct, ah, that\'s true,'),apartFrom,assert(#(aqueduct)),listing(#).
	contains([sanitation|_])  :- !,write('REG : Yeah, all right, I\'ll grant you the sanitation,'),apartFrom,assert(#(sanitation)),listing(#).
	contains([roads|_])       :- !,write('REG : Oh, yeah, obviously the roads. I mean the roads go without saying, don\'t they? '),apartFrom,assert(#(roads)),listing(#).
	contains([irrigation|_])  :- !,write('REG : Yeah, yeah, all right, fair enough - irrigation too... '),apartFrom,assert(#(irrigation)),listing(#).
	contains([medicine|_])    :- !,write('REG : Yes, ok - medicine! '),apartFrom,assert(#(medicine)),listing(#).
	contains([education|_])   :- !,write('REG : Well sure yeah, education I suppose? '),apartFrom,assert(#(education)),listing(#).
	contains([wine|_])        :- !,write('REG : Yes and the wine... '),apartFrom,assert(#(wine)),listing(#).
	contains([publicbaths|_]) :- !,write('REG : And the publicbaths, ok'),apartFrom,assert(#(publicbaths)),listing(#).
	contains([order|_])	  :- !,write('REG : Brought order, very well '),apartFrom,assert(#(order)),listing(#).
	contains([peace|_]) 	  :- !,write('REG : Oh, peace! Shut Up!'),nl,write('________________'),nl,nl,write('---End Scene---'),nl,write('________________'),nl,nl,quit.
%% ----- recursion and NOT case
	contains([Head|Tail]) 	  :- contains(Tail), !.
	contains(_) 			  :- write('REG : The Romans had nothing to do with that!').

	apartFrom:-write('Well apart from the : ').
%% ----- this function reads in the things and creates a list from them -----


%% ----- Here we are converting the list format to a proper output format -----
%% ----- Instead of [this, is, a, list] beign displayed, it will say : this is a list
	writeSentance([H|T]):-name(H,[Fl|Lt]),Cap is Fl-32,name(X,[Cap|Lt]),write(X),writeSentanceTail(T).
	writeSentanceTail([H|T]):-write(', '),write(H),writeSentanceTail(T).

%% ----- these functions are where we turn sentances into lists in order to process each individual word ----- 




	%%---------------(ASCII) allow : 
	single_character(44). %% comma       ','
	single_character(58). %% colon       ':'
	single_character(33). %% exclamation '!'
	single_character(59). %% semi-colon  ';'
	single_character(63). %% question    '?'
	single_character(46). %% full-stop   '.'

	%%-- The characters are between : 
	in_word(C,C):-C > 96,C < 123.      %% lowercase letters
	in_word(C,C):-C > 47,C < 58.       %% Numbers
	in_word(39,39).			   %% single inverted comma
	in_word(45,45).			   %% hyphenation
	in_word(C,L):-C>64,C<91,L is C+32. %% uppercase letters

%% ----- end of sentance to list ----- 


%% ----- will load when the program is run -----

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AI Assignment - Monthy Python Skit

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