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Revision: 21751
at December 20, 2009 02:30 by alejandromb

Updated Code
package kc.tda {
	import kc.api.ICollection;
	import kc.api.IIterator;

	import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;

	[Event( name="add", type="" )]
	[Event( name="addAll", type="" )]
	[Event( name="clear", type="" )]
	[Event( name="remove", type="" )]
	[Event( name="removeAll", type="" )]
	[Event( name="retain", type="" )]
	public class ArrayCollection extends EventDispatcher implements ICollection {
		// @const

		public static const DEFAULT_CAPACITY:int 		= 1 << 5;
		public static const DEFAULT_MIN_CAPACITY:int 		= 1 << 4;
		public static const DEFAULT_MAX_CAPACITY:int 		= 1 << 30;	
		public static const DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR:Number 		= .75;
		public static const DEFAULT_MIN_LOAD_FACTOR:Number 	= 0;		
		public static const DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR:Number 	= 1;
		public static const NOT_FOUND:int 			= -1;
		public static const MAX_DISPATCH_EVENTS:int 		= 255;
		// @protected
		protected var _records:Array;
		protected var _capacity:int;
		protected var _events:Array;
		protected var _expandableCapacity:Boolean;
		protected var _loadFactor:Number;
		protected var _maxCapacity:int;
		protected var _enableEvents:int;

		// @Cconstructor

		public function ArrayCollection( capacity:int = undefined, expandableCapacity:Boolean = false, loadFactor:Number = NaN ) {
			_events = [
			_capacity = ResolveLimits ( 
			this.loadFactor = loadFactor;			
			this.expandableCapacity = expandableCapacity;
		// @override

		override public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void {
			ThrowEventsFilter( type );
			super.addEventListener( type, listener, useCapture, priority, useWeakReference );

		// @properties (rw)
		public function get eventsReleased():int {
			return _enableEvents;

		public function get enableEvents():Boolean {
			return ( _enableEvents > NOT_FOUND );
		public function set enableEvents( value:Boolean ):void {
			_enableEvents = ( ! value ) 
				? NOT_FOUND 
				: 0;

		public function get expandableCapacity():Boolean {
			return _expandableCapacity;

		public function set expandableCapacity( value:Boolean ):void {
			_expandableCapacity = value;

		public function get loadFactor():Number {
			return _loadFactor;
		public function set loadFactor( value:Number ):void {
			_loadFactor = ResolveLimits ( 
		// @methods
		public function add( value:* ):Boolean {
			if( ! ResolveStatus() ) {
				return false;
			var quantity:int = size();
			_records.push( value ); 
			if( size() != quantity ){
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.ADD ); 
				return true;
			} return false;
		public function addAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean {
			var i:IIterator = value.iterator();
			var quantity:int = size();
			enableEvents = false;
			while( i.hasNext() ){
				add( );
			enableEvents = true;
			if( size() != quantity ){
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.ADD_ALL );
				return true;
			} return false;

		public function availableCapacity():int {
			return ( _maxCapacity - size() );

		public function capacity():int {
			return _maxCapacity;

		public function clear():void {
			if( _records != null ) {
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.CLEAR );
			_records = new Array();
			_maxCapacity = _capacity;

		public function compare( value1:*, value2:* ):int {
			ThrowMethodIsNotAvailable( "compare" );
			return NOT_FOUND;

		public function compareTo( value:* ):int {
			ThrowIsNotCollection( value );	
			if( size() > value.size() ) return 1;
			else if( size() < value.size() ) return -1;
			else return 0;			

		public function contains( value:* ):int {
			return _records.indexOf( value );

		public function containsAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean {
			var i:IIterator = value.iterator();
			while( i.hasNext() ){
				if( contains( ) == NOT_FOUND ) {
					return false;
			} return true;			 
		public function copy():ICollection {
			var collection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( _capacity, _expandableCapacity, _loadFactor );
			collection.addAll( this );
			return collection;

		public function equals( value:* ):Boolean {
			return ( this == value );
		public function isEmpty():Boolean {
			return ( size() == 0 );
		public function iteratorWithCopy():IIterator {
			return new ArrayIterator( toArray() );
		public function iterator():IIterator {
			return new ArrayIterator( _records );
		public function remove( value:* ):Boolean {
			var index:int = contains( value );
			if( index != NOT_FOUND ) {
				if( _records.splice( index, 1 ).length ){
					ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.REMOVE );
					return true;
			} return false;
		public function removeAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean {
			var i:IIterator = value.iterator();
			var quantity:int = size();
			enableEvents = false;
			while( i.hasNext() ){
				remove( );
			enableEvents = true;
			if( size() != quantity ){
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.REMOVE_ALL );
				return true;
			} return false;
		public function retainAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean {
			var i:IIterator = iterator();
			var quantity:int = size();
			enableEvents = false;
			while( i.hasNext() ){
				if( value.contains( ) == NOT_FOUND ) {
			enableEvents = true;
			if( size() != quantity ){
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.RETAIN );
				return true;
			} return false;
		public function size():uint {
			return _records.length;
		public function toArray():Array {
			return _records.slice();
		public function threshold():int {
			return ( _maxCapacity * _loadFactor );
		// @purge
		public function purge( {
			_records = null;
			_events = null;
			_capacity = undefined;	
			_expandableCapacity = undefined;
			_loadFactor = undefined;
			_maxCapacity = undefined;
			_enableEvents = undefined;
		// @helpres
		protected function ResolveDispatchEvent( value:String ):void {
			if( ! enableEvents || _enableEvents == MAX_DISPATCH_EVENTS ) {
				enableEvents = false;
			}else if( dispatchEvent( new CollectionEvent( value ) ) ) {
		protected function ResolveLimits( value:Number, min:Number, max:Number, def:Number = undefined ):Number {
			return Math.min ( max, Math.max ( min, value ) ) || def;
		protected function ResolveLimitsAndCapacity( value:Number, min:Number, max:Number, def:Number = undefined ):Number {
			return ResolveCapacity ( 
				ResolveLimits( value, min, max, def ) 
		protected function ResolveCapacity( value:int ):int {
			if ( ! ( value > 0 && ( ( value & ( value - 1 ) ) == 0 ) ) ) {
				var capacity:int = 1;
				while( capacity < value ) {
					capacity <<= 1;
				} return capacity;
			} return value;
		protected function ResolveStatus():Boolean {
			if( ! _expandableCapacity && availableCapacity() == 0 ) {
				return false;
			} ResolveResize();
			return true;
		protected function ResolveResize():void {
			if( _expandableCapacity && size() == threshold() ) {
				_maxCapacity += capacity();
		protected function ThrowIsNotExpandibled( type:String = "collection" ):void {
			if( ! _expandableCapacity ) {
				throw new IllegalOperationError("The \"" + type + "\" is not expandibled.");
		protected function ThrowIsNotCollection( value:*, param:String = "value" ):void {
			if( ! value is ICollection ) {
				throw new IllegalOperationError("The \"" + param + "\" is not an ICollection.");
		protected function ThrowIsEmpty( type:String = "collection" ):void {
			if ( isEmpty() ) {
				throw new IllegalOperationError( "The " + type + " is empty." );
		protected function ThrowMethodIsNotAvailable( value:String, replace:String = null ):void {
			var error:String = "The \"" + value + "\" method is not available.";
			if ( replace != null ) {
				error = error.substr( 0, -1 ) + ", use the \"" + replace + "\" method.";
			} throw new IllegalOperationError( error );			
		protected function ThrowEventsFilter( value:String, list:Array = null ):void {
			if( ! enableEvents ){
				throw new IllegalOperationError( "The events are not available." );
			} if( list == null ) {
				list = _events;
			} if( list.indexOf( value ) == NOT_FOUND ) {
				throw new IllegalOperationError( "The event \"" + value + "\" is not available." );	

package kc.api {

	public interface ICollection extends IEventDispatcher, IIterable, IComparable, IComparator, IPurger {
		// @properties (rw)
		function get enableEvents():Boolean;
		function set enableEvents( value:Boolean ):void;
		function get expandableCapacity():Boolean;
		function set expandableCapacity( value:Boolean ):void;
		function get loadFactor():Number;
		function set loadFactor( value:Number ):void;
		// @properties (r)
		function get eventsReleased():int;
		// @methods
		function add( value:* ):Boolean;
		function addAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean;
		function availableCapacity():int;
		function capacity():int;
		function clear():void;
		function contains( value:* ):int;
		function containsAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean;
		function copy():ICollection;
		function isEmpty():Boolean;
		function remove( value:* ):Boolean;
		function removeAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean;
		function retainAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean;
		function size():uint;
		function toArray():Array;
		function threshold():int;

package kc.api {

	public interface IComparable {
		// @methods
		function compareTo( value:* ):int;

package kc.api {

	public interface IComparator {
		// @methods
		function compare( value1:*, value2:* ):int;
		function equals( value:* ):Boolean;

package kc.api {

	public interface IIterable {
		// @methods
		function iterator():IIterator;

package kc.api {

	public interface IIterator {
		// @methods
		function hasNext():Boolean;
		function next():*;
		function remove():void;
		function index():int;
		function value():*;
		function size():int;


package {

	public class CollectionEvent extends Event {

		// @const
		public static const ADD:String = "add";
		public static const ADD_ALL:String = "addAll";
		public static const REMOVE:String = "remove";
		public static const REMOVE_ALL:String = "removeAll";
		public static const RETAIN:String = "retain";
		public static const CLEAR:String = "clear";
		// @queue
		public static const ENQUEUE:String = "enqueue";
		public static const DEQUEUE:String = "dequeue";
		// @stack
		public static const PUSH:String = "push";
		public static const POP:String = "pop";
		// @history
		public static const INDEX_CHANGE:String = "indexChange";
		// @constructor
		public function CollectionEvent( type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false ) {
			super( type, bubbles, cancelable );
		// @override
		override public function clone():Event {
			return new CollectionEvent( this.type, this.bubbles, this.cancelable );
		override public function toString():String {
			return this.formatToString( "CollectionEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "eventPhase" ); 

Revision: 21750
at December 20, 2009 02:29 by alejandromb

Initial Code
package kc.tda {
	import kc.api.ICollection;
	import kc.api.IIterator;

	import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;

	[Event( name="add", type="" )]
	[Event( name="addAll", type="" )]
	[Event( name="clear", type="" )]
	[Event( name="remove", type="" )]
	[Event( name="removeAll", type="" )]
	[Event( name="retain", type="" )]
	public class ArrayCollection extends EventDispatcher implements ICollection {
		// @const

		public static const DEFAULT_CAPACITY:int 			= 1 << 5;
		public static const DEFAULT_MIN_CAPACITY:int 		= 1 << 4;
		public static const DEFAULT_MAX_CAPACITY:int 		= 1 << 30;	
		public static const DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR:Number 		= .75;
		public static const DEFAULT_MIN_LOAD_FACTOR:Number 	= 0;		
		public static const DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR:Number 	= 1;
		public static const NOT_FOUND:int 					= -1;
		public static const MAX_DISPATCH_EVENTS:int 		= 255;
		// @protected
		protected var _records:Array;
		protected var _capacity:int;
		protected var _events:Array;
		protected var _expandableCapacity:Boolean;
		protected var _loadFactor:Number;
		protected var _maxCapacity:int;
		protected var _enableEvents:int;

		// @Cconstructor

		public function ArrayCollection( capacity:int = undefined, expandableCapacity:Boolean = false, loadFactor:Number = NaN ) {
			_events = [
			_capacity = ResolveLimits ( 
			this.loadFactor = loadFactor;			
			this.expandableCapacity = expandableCapacity;
		// @override

		override public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void {
			ThrowEventsFilter( type );
			super.addEventListener( type, listener, useCapture, priority, useWeakReference );

		// @properties (rw)
		public function get eventsReleased():int {
			return _enableEvents;

		public function get enableEvents():Boolean {
			return ( _enableEvents > NOT_FOUND );
		public function set enableEvents( value:Boolean ):void {
			_enableEvents = ( ! value ) 
				? NOT_FOUND 
				: 0;

		public function get expandableCapacity():Boolean {
			return _expandableCapacity;

		public function set expandableCapacity( value:Boolean ):void {
			_expandableCapacity = value;

		public function get loadFactor():Number {
			return _loadFactor;
		public function set loadFactor( value:Number ):void {
			_loadFactor = ResolveLimits ( 
		// @methods
		public function add( value:* ):Boolean {
			if( ! ResolveStatus() ) {
				return false;
			var quantity:int = size();
			_records.push( value ); 
			if( size() != quantity ){
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.ADD ); 
				return true;
			} return false;
		public function addAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean {
			var i:IIterator = value.iterator();
			var quantity:int = size();
			enableEvents = false;
			while( i.hasNext() ){
				add( );
			enableEvents = true;
			if( size() != quantity ){
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.ADD_ALL );
				return true;
			} return false;

		public function availableCapacity():int {
			return ( _maxCapacity - size() );

		public function capacity():int {
			return _maxCapacity;

		public function clear():void {
			if( _records != null ) {
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.CLEAR );
			_records = new Array();
			_maxCapacity = _capacity;

		public function compare( value1:*, value2:* ):int {
			ThrowMethodIsNotAvailable( "compare" );
			return NOT_FOUND;

		public function compareTo( value:* ):int {
			ThrowIsNotCollection( value );	
			if( size() > value.size() ) return 1;
			else if( size() < value.size() ) return -1;
			else return 0;			

		public function contains( value:* ):int {
			return _records.indexOf( value );

		public function containsAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean {
			var i:IIterator = value.iterator();
			while( i.hasNext() ){
				if( contains( ) == NOT_FOUND ) {
					return false;
			} return true;			 
		public function copy():ICollection {
			var collection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( _capacity, _expandableCapacity, _loadFactor );
			collection.addAll( this );
			return collection;

		public function equals( value:* ):Boolean {
			return ( this == value );
		public function isEmpty():Boolean {
			return ( size() == 0 );
		public function iteratorWithCopy():IIterator {
			return new ArrayIterator( toArray() );
		public function iterator():IIterator {
			return new ArrayIterator( _records );
		public function remove( value:* ):Boolean {
			var index:int = contains( value );
			if( index != NOT_FOUND ) {
				if( _records.splice( index, 1 ).length ){
					ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.REMOVE );
					return true;
			} return false;
		public function removeAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean {
			var i:IIterator = value.iterator();
			var quantity:int = size();
			enableEvents = false;
			while( i.hasNext() ){
				remove( );
			enableEvents = true;
			if( size() != quantity ){
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.REMOVE_ALL );
				return true;
			} return false;
		public function retainAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean {
			var i:IIterator = iterator();
			var quantity:int = size();
			enableEvents = false;
			while( i.hasNext() ){
				if( value.contains( ) == NOT_FOUND ) {
			enableEvents = true;
			if( size() != quantity ){
				ResolveDispatchEvent( CollectionEvent.RETAIN );
				return true;
			} return false;
		public function size():uint {
			return _records.length;
		public function toArray():Array {
			return _records.slice();
		public function threshold():int {
			return ( _maxCapacity * _loadFactor );
		// @purge
		public function purge( {
			_records = null;
			_events = null;
			_capacity = undefined;	
			_expandableCapacity = undefined;
			_loadFactor = undefined;
			_maxCapacity = undefined;
			_enableEvents = undefined;
		// @helpres
		protected function ResolveDispatchEvent( value:String ):void {
			if( ! enableEvents || _enableEvents == MAX_DISPATCH_EVENTS ) {
				enableEvents = false;
			}else if( dispatchEvent( new CollectionEvent( value ) ) ) {
		protected function ResolveLimits( value:Number, min:Number, max:Number, def:Number = undefined ):Number {
			return Math.min ( max, Math.max ( min, value ) ) || def;
		protected function ResolveLimitsAndCapacity( value:Number, min:Number, max:Number, def:Number = undefined ):Number {
			return ResolveCapacity ( 
				ResolveLimits( value, min, max, def ) 
		protected function ResolveCapacity( value:int ):int {
			if ( ! ( value > 0 && ( ( value & ( value - 1 ) ) == 0 ) ) ) {
				var capacity:int = 1;
				while( capacity < value ) {
					capacity <<= 1;
				} return capacity;
			} return value;
		protected function ResolveStatus():Boolean {
			if( ! _expandableCapacity && availableCapacity() == 0 ) {
				return false;
			} ResolveResize();
			return true;
		protected function ResolveResize():void {
			if( _expandableCapacity && size() == threshold() ) {
				_maxCapacity += capacity();
		protected function ThrowIsNotExpandibled( type:String = "collection" ):void {
			if( ! _expandableCapacity ) {
				throw new IllegalOperationError("The \"" + type + "\" is not expandibled.");
		protected function ThrowIsNotCollection( value:*, param:String = "value" ):void {
			if( ! value is ICollection ) {
				throw new IllegalOperationError("The \"" + param + "\" is not an ICollection.");
		protected function ThrowIsEmpty( type:String = "collection" ):void {
			if ( isEmpty() ) {
				throw new IllegalOperationError( "The " + type + " is empty." );
		protected function ThrowMethodIsNotAvailable( value:String, replace:String = null ):void {
			var error:String = "The \"" + value + "\" method is not available.";
			if ( replace != null ) {
				error = error.substr( 0, -1 ) + ", use the \"" + replace + "\" method.";
			} throw new IllegalOperationError( error );			
		protected function ThrowEventsFilter( value:String, list:Array = null ):void {
			if( ! enableEvents ){
				throw new IllegalOperationError( "The events are not available." );
			} if( list == null ) {
				list = _events;
			} if( list.indexOf( value ) == NOT_FOUND ) {
				throw new IllegalOperationError( "The event \"" + value + "\" is not available." );	

package kc.api {

	public interface ICollection extends IEventDispatcher, IIterable, IComparable, IComparator, IPurger {
		// @properties (rw)
		function get enableEvents():Boolean;
		function set enableEvents( value:Boolean ):void;
		function get expandableCapacity():Boolean;
		function set expandableCapacity( value:Boolean ):void;
		function get loadFactor():Number;
		function set loadFactor( value:Number ):void;
		// @properties (r)
		function get eventsReleased():int;
		// @methods
		function add( value:* ):Boolean;
		function addAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean;
		function availableCapacity():int;
		function capacity():int;
		function clear():void;
		function contains( value:* ):int;
		function containsAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean;
		function copy():ICollection;
		function isEmpty():Boolean;
		function remove( value:* ):Boolean;
		function removeAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean;
		function retainAll( value:ICollection ):Boolean;
		function size():uint;
		function toArray():Array;
		function threshold():int;

package kc.api {

	public interface IComparable {
		// @methods
		function compareTo( value:* ):int;

package kc.api {

	public interface IComparator {
		// @methods
		function compare( value1:*, value2:* ):int;
		function equals( value:* ):Boolean;

package kc.api {

	public interface IIterable {
		// @methods
		function iterator():IIterator;

package kc.api {

	public interface IIterator {
		// @methods
		function hasNext():Boolean;
		function next():*;
		function remove():void;
		function index():int;
		function value():*;
		function size():int;


package {

	public class CollectionEvent extends Event {

		// @const
		public static const ADD:String = "add";
		public static const ADD_ALL:String = "addAll";
		public static const REMOVE:String = "remove";
		public static const REMOVE_ALL:String = "removeAll";
		public static const RETAIN:String = "retain";
		public static const CLEAR:String = "clear";
		// @queue
		public static const ENQUEUE:String = "enqueue";
		public static const DEQUEUE:String = "dequeue";
		// @stack
		public static const PUSH:String = "push";
		public static const POP:String = "pop";
		// @history
		public static const INDEX_CHANGE:String = "indexChange";
		// @constructor
		public function CollectionEvent( type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false ) {
			super( type, bubbles, cancelable );
		// @override
		override public function clone():Event {
			return new CollectionEvent( this.type, this.bubbles, this.cancelable );
		override public function toString():String {
			return this.formatToString( "CollectionEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "eventPhase" ); 

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
AS3 | ArrayCollection

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3