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Revision: 21839
at December 22, 2009 14:57 by magicrebirth

Initial Code
These are internal helpers. Do not rely on their presence.

def monkeypatch_method(cls):
    A decorator to add a single method to an existing class::

        def <newmethod>(self, [...]):

    def decorator(func):
        setattr(cls, func.__name__, func)
        return func
    return decorator

def monkeypatch_property(cls):
    A decorator to add a single method as a property to an existing class::

        def <newmethod>(self, [...]):

    def decorator(func):
        setattr(cls, func.__name__, property(func))
        return func
    return decorator

def monkeypatch_class(name, bases, namespace):
    A metaclass to add a number of methods (or other attributes) to an
    existing class, using a convenient class notation::

        class <newclass>(<someclass>):
            __metaclass__ = monkeypatch_class
            def <method1>(...): ...
            def <method2>(...): ...

    assert len(bases) == 1, "Exactly one base class required"
    base = bases[0]
    for name, value in namespace.iteritems():
        if name != "__metaclass__":
            setattr(base, name, value)
    return base

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Initial Description


Initial Title
Python: monkeyPatch methods

Initial Tags
class, python

Initial Language