Revision: 21967
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at December 27, 2009 00:35 by sgtrock
Initial Code
[application_helper.rb] module ApplicationHelper def requires_javascript(path) content_for :page_dependencies do javascript_include_tag path end end def requires_stylesheet(path) content_for :page_dependencies do stylesheet_link_tag path end end end [my_layout.html.erb] <html> <head> <%= yield :page_dependencies %> ... </head> ... </html> [my_view.html.erb] <% requires_javascript "my-view-specific-javascript" %> <% requires_stylesheet "my-view-specific-stylesheet" %>
Initial URL
Initial Description
I used to directly inject javascript and CSS into my HEAD elements just like you see in all of the tutorials online and in books. Recently I decided to try a different approach, and I feel this is more in keeping with the ruby and rails "declaration" syntax. It has the added benefit of promoting unobtrusive javascript coding and factoring out page-specific CSS into its own file.
Initial Title
Requiring javascript and CSS in Rails without directly injecting code into the HEAD element
Initial Tags
css, javascript, html, rails
Initial Language