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Revision: 21971
at December 27, 2009 09:26 by deepsoul

Initial Code
<form action="">
  <input name="q" size="70">
  <input type="hidden" name="as_oq" value="test review evaluation">
  <input type="hidden" name="as_eq" value=" special.offer">
  <input type="submit" value="Search">

Initial URL

Initial Description
The Google search URL accepts two fields, `as_oq` and `as_eq`, which give additional required or forbidden keywords for the search.  This allows to create search forms which add preset keywords.  In the search form below, one of the keywords test, review or evalutation is required, and none of "buy now", "special offer" and "free download" may be present.

Initial Title
Google search form with additional keywords

Initial Tags
search, google

Initial Language