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Revision: 21978
at December 27, 2009 23:54 by afj176

Initial Code
/*Browser Detect*/
function browser_detect(){
							$ipod = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"iPod");
		$iphone = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"iPhone");
		$firefox = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"Firefox");
		$safari = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"Safari");
		$ie = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"MSIE");
		$opera = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"Opera");
		$maxthon = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"Maxthon");
		$chrome = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"Chrome");
		$netscape = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"Netscape");
		$traveler = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "Traveler");
		//detecting device 
		if ($ipod == true || $iphone == true){
					echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
					echo "<img src=\"images/iphone.png\">";
					echo "<br />";
					echo "<p>You are viewing this site on an Ipod or Iphone</p>";
					echo "</div>";
		}elseif($firefox == true){
					echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
					echo "<img src=\"images/Firefox.png\">";
					echo "<br />";
					echo "<p>You are viewing this site in Firefox</p>";
					echo "</div>";

		}elseif($ie == true){
			       	echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
					echo "<img src=\"images/IE.png\">";
					echo "<br />";
					echo "<p>You are viewing this site in Internet Explorer</p>";
					echo "</div>";

		}elseif($netscape == true){
			       	echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
					echo "<img src=\"images/Netcape.png\">";
					echo "<br />";
					echo "<p>You are viewing this site in Netscape</p>";
					echo "</div>";

		}elseif($traveler == true){
			       	echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
					echo "<img src=\"images/Traveler.png\">";
					echo "<br />";
					echo "<p>You are viewing this site in Traveler</p>";
					echo "</div>";

		}elseif($maxthon == true){
			       	echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
					echo "<img src=\"images/Maxthon.png\">";
					echo "<br />";
					echo "<p>You are viewing this site in Maxthon</p>";
					echo "</div>";

		}elseif($chrome == true){
			       	echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
					echo "<img src=\"images/Chrome.png\">";
					echo "<br />";
					echo "<p>You are viewing this site in Chrome</p>";
					echo "</div>";

		}elseif($safari == true){
			       	echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
					echo "<img src=\"images/Safari.png\">";
					echo "<br />";
					echo "<p>You are viewing this site in Safari</p>";
					echo "</div>";

		}elseif($opera == true){
			       	echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
					echo "<img src=\"images/Opera.png\">";
					echo "<br />";
					echo "<p>You are viewing this site in Opera</p>";
					echo "</div>";
			echo "<div class=\"browser\">";
			echo "<img src=\"images/Q.png\">";
			echo "<br />";
			echo "<p>We currently dont know your browser.</p>";
			echo "</div>";

Initial URL

Initial Description
Place in your functions.php file and call it in your theme like this:

Initial Title
Wordpress Browser Detection Function

Initial Tags
php, wordpress, browser, function

Initial Language