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Revision: 22300
at January 8, 2010 08:11 by narkisr

Initial Code
$ sudo apt-get install vnc4server
# the following will require a password setup
$ vnc4server -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24
# the following will output something like New 'Hostname:1 (user)' desktop is Tethys:1
$ vnc4server

# Now all that is left is to add to ~/.vnc/xstartup, the following
# The rest is the same
# add the following which creates a gnome-session on startup

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is based upon a debian guide, it seems to work well for ubuntu as well, all these steps can be performed via remote ssh (no need to access the machine).

Initial Title
setting up vnc debian way

Initial Tags
server, ubuntu

Initial Language