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Revision: 22841
at January 23, 2010 23:59 by PandaWood

Initial Code
var grammar = {
	BracedTextRegex : new RegExp('\{.*\}')


$.fn.linkBracedText = function() {

	this.each(function() {
		// get text in curly-braces, abort if nothing
		var sentence = $(this).text();
		var $bracedText = sentence.match(grammar.BracedTextRegex);
		if ($bracedText === null) return;
		var bracedText = $bracedText[0].substr(1,$bracedText[0].length-2);

		// replace curly-braced text with a span, which serves as an insertion point
		sentence = sentence.replace(grammar.BracedTextRegex,'<span></span>');

		// find the 1st link (magically the 1 I need), change text to what was in curly braces
		var link = $(this).closest('tr').find('a:first').clone();

		//overwrite this element with a copy that has curly-braced replaced with appropriate link

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
jQuery plugin that doesn't work

Initial Tags

Initial Language