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Revision: 22917
at January 25, 2010 17:45 by inkdeep

Initial Code
// Detecting the existence of a parameter
Example 1: The in operator
Detect whether there is a "myparameter" member in the "oArg" object: */
var myparameter = 'myparameter' in oArg? oArg.myparameter : "";
Example 2: The typeof operator 
Detect whether type of oArg.myparameter is not "undefined': */
var myparameter = typeof oArg.myparameter != 'undefined'? oArg.myparameter : "";
Example 2.1: The typeof operator version 2
Assuming parameter is a string, detect whether type of oArg.myparameter is "string": */
var myparameter = typeof oArg.myparameter == 'string'? oArg.myparameter : ""; 
Example 3: Autocasting
Assign the value of oArg.myparameter to variable "myparameter" if it casts to true: */
var myparameter = oArg.myparameter || "";

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Initial Description


Initial Title
Javascript - Detecting Parameters

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