Revision: 23399
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at February 5, 2010 17:16 by chrisaiv
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package com.polyGeek.utils { /* * Dan Florio, aka polyGeek * */ public class TronTime { public function TronTime(){} /** * Convert numeric time to English * Example: 71 --> 1 hour and 21 minutes */ public static function convertTime_minutesToHoursMin( minutes:int ):String { var _hours:int = Math.floor( minutes / 60 ); var _min:int = minutes % 60; if( minutes == 0 ) { return "less than a minute"; } var _time:String; if( _hours > 0 ) { // get hours and mintutes _time = ( _hours > 1 ) ? _hours + " hours " : _hours + " hour "; if( _min > 0 ) { _time += ( _min > 1 ) ? "and " + _min + " minutes" : "and 1 minute"; } } else { // just get minutes _time = ( _min > 1 ) ? _min + " minutes" : "1 minute"; } return _time; } /** * Get the name of the day from the date */ public static function getDayNameFromDate( date:Date ):String { switch( ) { case 0 : return 'Sunday'; case 1 : return 'Monday'; case 2 : return 'Tuesday'; case 3 : return 'Wednesday'; case 4 : return 'Thursday'; case 5 : return 'Friday'; case 6 : return 'Saturday'; default : return ''; } } /** * Get the month name from the date */ public static function getMonthNameFromDate( date:Date ):String { switch( date.month ) { case 0 : return 'January'; case 1 : return 'February'; case 2 : return 'March'; case 3 : return 'April'; case 4 : return 'May'; case 5 : return 'June'; case 6 : return 'July'; case 7 : return 'August'; case 8 : return 'September'; case 9 : return 'October'; case 10 : return 'November'; case 11 : return 'December'; default : return ''; } } /** * Get MySQL string from date */ public static function getMySQLDate( date:Date ):String { var s:String = date.fullYear + '-'; // add the month if( date.month < 10 ) { s += '0' + ( date.month + 1 ) + '-'; } else { s += ( date.month + 1 ) + '-'; } // add the day if( < 10 ) { s += '0' +; } else { s +=; } return s; } /** * Make a Date object from a MySQL date string */ public static function convertMySQLDateToActionscript( s:String ):Date { var a:Array = s.split( '-' ); return new Date( a[0], a[1] - 1, a[2] ); } /** * Convert an MySQL Timestamp to an Actionscript Date * Thanks to Pascal Brewing for the beautiful simplicity. */ public static function convertMySQLTimeStampToASDate( time:String ):Date{ var pattern:RegExp = /[: -]/g; time = time.replace( pattern, ',' ); var timeArray:Array = time.split( ',' ); var date:Date = new Date( timeArray[0], timeArray[1]-1, timeArray[2], timeArray[3], timeArray[4], timeArray[5] ); return date as Date; } /** * Convert an MySQL Timestamp to an Actionscript Date * Thanks to Pascal Brewing for the beautiful simplicity. */ public static function convertASDateToMySQLTimestamp( d:Date ):String { var s:String = d.fullYear + '-'; s += prependZero( d.month + 1 ) + '-'; s += prependZero( ) + ' '; s += prependZero( d.hours ) + ':'; s += prependZero( d.minutes ) + ':'; s += prependZero( d.seconds ); return s; } private static function prependZero( n:Number ):String { var s:String = ( n < 10 ) ? '0' + n : n.toString(); return s; } /******************************** * The following three methods are useful for video player time displays ********************************/ /** * Input the seconds and return a string of the form: hours:mins:secs */ public static function convertSecondsTo_HoursMinsSec( seconds:int ):String { var timeOut:String; var hours:int = int( seconds / 3600 ); var mins:int = int( ( seconds - ( hours * 3600 ) ) / 60 ) var secs:int = seconds % 60; if( isNaN( hours ) || isNaN( mins ) || isNaN( secs ) ) { return "--:--:--"; } var minS:String = ( mins < 10 ) ? "0" + mins : String( mins ); var secS:String = ( secs < 10 ) ? "0" + secs : String( secs ); var hourS:String = String( hours ); timeOut = hourS + ":" + minS + ":" + secS; return timeOut; } /** * Input the seconds and return a string of the form: mins:sec */ public static function convertSecondsTo_MinsSec( seconds:int ):String { var timeOut:String; var mins:int = int( seconds / 60 ) var secs:int = seconds % 60; if( isNaN( mins ) || isNaN( secs ) ) { return "--:--"; } var minS:String = ( mins < 10 ) ? "0" + mins : String( mins ); var secS:String = ( secs < 10 ) ? "0" + secs : String( secs ); timeOut = minS + ":" + secS; return timeOut; } /** * Input seconds and return a string of the form: hours:min */ public static function getHoursMinutes( seconds:int ):String { var timeOut:String; var hours:int = int( seconds / 3600 ); var mins:int = int( ( seconds - ( hours * 3600 ) ) / 60 ) var secs:int = seconds % 60; if( isNaN( hours ) || isNaN( mins ) || isNaN( secs ) ) { return "--:--"; } var minS:String = ( mins < 10 ) ? "0" + mins : String( mins ); var hourS:String = String( hours ); timeOut = hourS + ":" + minS; return timeOut; } } }
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Initial Description
Handy Date/Time converter: Convert Date Object to MySQL date format, Translate minutes into an English phrase, Convert MySQL date to Actionscript Date object, Get Day name from Date, Get name of Month from a Date Object, Input the seconds and return a string of the form: hours:mins:secs, Input the seconds and return a string of the form: mins:sec, Input seconds and return a string of the form: hours:min,
Initial Title
AS3: Date / Time converter
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ActionScript 3