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Revision: 24691
at March 9, 2010 01:11 by angelpatxi

Initial Code
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
   'How many session variables are there?
   Response.Write "There are " & Session.Contents.Count & _
             " Session variables<P>"

   Dim strName, iLoop
   'Use a For Each ... Next to loop through the entire collection
   For Each strName in Session.Contents
     'Is this session variable an array?
     If IsArray(Session(strName)) then
       'If it is an array, loop through each element one at a time
       For iLoop = LBound(Session(strName)) to UBound(Session(strName))
          Response.Write strName & "(" & iLoop & ") - " & _
               Session(strName)(iLoop) & "<BR>"
       'We aren't dealing with an array, so just display the variable
       Response.Write strName & " - " & Session.Contents(strName) & "<BR>"
     End If


Initial URL

Initial Description
List Session and Application Variables

Initial Title
Lista de variables de sesion y aplicación

Initial Tags

Initial Language