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Revision: 25161
at March 22, 2010 06:18 by shiningdev

Initial Code
    string $text;
    // create a prompt dialog to request the users name
    string $result = `promptDialog
    -title "Hello Window"
    -message "Enter Name:"
    -button "OK" -button "Cancel"
    -defaultButton "OK" -cancelButton "Cancel"
    -dismissString "Cancel"`;
    // if OK pressed
    if ($result == "OK") {
        // query the entry typed by the user
        $text = `promptDialog -query -text`;
        print("HELLO to "+ $text +"\n");
    else {
        print("fine. I won't say hello then :(\n");

Initial URL

Initial Description
mel - interaction - prompt dialog code

Initial Title
mel - interaction - prompt dialog code

Initial Tags

Initial Language