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Revision: 72676
at October 18, 2017 21:06 by buglilorenzo

Initial Code
Sub ImportFromText(x As Integer, y As Integer, filename As String)
    Dim base As String
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim WB As Workbook
    Set WB = ThisWorkbook
    Set WS = WB.Worksheets("Results")
    base = ThisWorkbook.PATH
    file_path = base & "\output\" & filename
    Open file_path For Input As #1
    r = x
    Do Until EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, Data
        v = Split(Data, vbTab)
        For i = 0 To 3 Step 1
            If r = x Then
                WS.Range("AA2").Offset(r, y + i) = v(i)
                WS.Range("AA2").Offset(r, y + i) = Round(CDbl(v(i)), 5)
            End If
        Next i
        r = r + 1
    Close #1
End Sub

Sub import_modified_files()
    Call ImportFromText(0, 0, "Stream number 1 - stream function 0,0000.txt")
    Call ImportFromText(0, 4, "Stream number 2 - stream function 0,2500.txt")
    Call ImportFromText(0, 8, "Stream number 3 - stream function 0,5000.txt")
    Call ImportFromText(0, 12, "Stream number 4 - stream function 0,7500.txt")
    Call ImportFromText(0, 16, "Stream number 5 - stream function 1,0000.txt")
End Sub

Initial URL

Initial Description
Read data from TXT files to import them in Excel environment

Initial Title
Read data from txt files

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Visual Basic