Revision: 26386
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at April 26, 2010 19:13 by alemani
Initial Code
#!/bin/bash # This shell script shows the network speed, both received and transmitted. # Usage: interface # e.g: eth0 # Global variables interface=$1 received_bytes="" old_received_bytes="" transmitted_bytes="" old_transmitted_bytes="" # This function parses /proc/net/dev file searching for a line containing $interface data. # Within that line, the first and ninth numbers after ':' are respectively the received and transmited bytes. get_bytes() { line=$(cat /proc/net/dev | grep $interface | cut -d ':' -f 2 | awk '{print "received_bytes="$1, "transmitted_bytes="$9}') eval $line } # Function which calculates the speed using actual and old byte number. # Speed is shown in KByte per second when greater or equal than 1 KByte per second. # This function should be called each second. get_velocity() { value=$1 old_value=$2 let vel=$value-$old_value let velKB=$vel/1024 if [ $velKB != 0 ]; then echo -n "$velKB KB/s"; else echo -n "$vel B/s"; fi } # Gets initial values. get_bytes old_received_bytes=$received_bytes old_transmitted_bytes=$transmitted_bytes # Shows a message and waits for one second. echo "Starting..."; sleep 1; echo ""; # Main loop. It will repeat forever. while true; do # Get new transmitted and received byte number values. get_bytes # Calculates speeds. vel_recv=$(get_velocity $received_bytes $old_received_bytes) vel_trans=$(get_velocity $transmitted_bytes $old_transmitted_bytes) # Shows results in the console. echo -en "$interface DOWN:$vel_recv\tUP:$vel_trans\r" # Update old values to perform new calculations. old_received_bytes=$received_bytes old_transmitted_bytes=$transmitted_bytes # Waits one second. sleep 1; done
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This script calculates the network speed up/down
Initial Title
Calculate network speed
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