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Revision: 26943
at June 22, 2010 00:04 by arnekolja

Updated Code
lib.footer = RECORDS
lib.footer.tables = tt_content
lib.footer.source = 100

# other version: allow multiple objects in a COA (Content Object Array)
lib.sidebarElements = COA
lib.sidebarElements.10 = RECORDS
lib.sidebarElements.10.wrap = <div class="sidebar-element">|</div>
lib.sidebarElements.10.tables = tt_content
lib.sidebarElements.10.source = 100

Revision: 26942
at May 17, 2010 10:55 by arnekolja

Initial Code
lib.footer = RECORDS
lib.footer.tables = tt_content
lib.footer.source = 100

Initial URL

Initial Description
Given a variable name that is set up (maybe in TemplaVoila?), this one maps a single content element to it. Very useful for global footer elements and such.

Initial Title
Map content element to TS variable

Initial Tags

Initial Language