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Revision: 3575
at August 15, 2007 09:18 by n3x

Updated Code
def __init__(self, frames, time):
    """frames stores tuples (duration in ms, image-surf)"""
    self.start_time = time
    # personally, i would define the frames tuples the other way around and
    # just turn this around:
    durations, self.frame_list = zip(*frames)
    # next line does the same as
    # reduce(lambda l, v: l + [v + l[-1]], durations[1:], [durations[0]]) ;->
    self.frame_end_time = [sum(durations[:i + 1]) for i in xrange(len(durations))]
    self.run_time = self.frame_end_time[-1]
    self.image = self.frame_list[0][1]
    self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

def update(self, time):
    play_position = (time - self.start_time) % self.run_time
    # the above doesn't really work with a pausing feature, but you could
    # remember the pause time, and when you unpause, recompute the start_time
    for i, f in enumerate(self.frame_end_time):
        if play_position <= f:
    self.image = self.frame_list[i]
    self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

Revision: 3574
at August 15, 2007 08:44 by n3x

Updated Code
def __init__(self, frames, time):
    """frames stores tuples (duration in ms, image-surf)"""
    self.start_time = time
    # personally, i would define the frames tuples the other way around and
    # just turn this around:
    durations, self.frame_list = zip(*frames)
    # next line does the same as
    # reduce(lambda l, v: l + [v + l[-1]], durations[1:], [durations[0]]) ;->
    self.frame_end_time = [sum(durations[:i + 1]) for i in xrange(len(durations))]
    self.run_time = self.frame_end_time[-1]
    self.image = self.frame_list[0][1]
    self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

def update(self, time):
    play_position = (time - self.start_time) % self.run_time
    # the above doesn't really work with a pausing feature, but you could
    # remember the pause time, and when you unpause, recompute the start_time
    for i, f in enumerate(self.frame_end_time):
        if play_position > f:
    self.image = self.frame_list[i]
    self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

Revision: 3573
at August 15, 2007 08:03 by n3x

Updated Code
def __init__(self, frames, time):
    """frames stores tuples (duration in ms, image-surf)"""
    self.start_time = time
    # personally, i would define the frames tuples the other way around and
    # just turn this around:
    durations, self.frame_list = zip(*frames)
    # next line does the same as
    # reduce(lambda l, v: l + [v + l[-1]], durations[1:], [durations[0]]) ;->
    self.frame_end_time = [sum(durations[:i + 1]) for i in xrange(len(durations))]
    self.run_time = self.frame_end_time[-1]
    self.image = self.frame_list[0][1]
    self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

def update(self, time):
    play_position = (time - self.start_time) % self.run_time
    # the above doesn't really work with a pausing feature, but you could
    # remember the pause time, and when you unpause, recompute the start_time
    for i, f in reversed(list(enumerate(self.frame_end_time))):
        if play_position < f:
    self.image = self.frame_list[i]
    self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

Revision: 3572
at August 15, 2007 03:52 by n3x

Initial Code
def __init__(self, time):
    self.frame_list = ... # stores tuples (duration in ms, image-surf)
    self.start_time = time
    self.image = self.frame_list[0][1]
    self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

def update(self, time):
    play_position = time - self.start_time
    # the above doesn't really work with a pausing feature, but you could
    # remember the pause time, and when you unpause, recompute the start_time
    next_frame_start = 0
    for i in xrange(len(self.frame_list)):
        duration, img = self.frame_list[i]
        next_frame_start += duration
        if next_frame_start > play_position:
    self.image = img
    self.rect = img.get_rect()

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
class TimedFrameAnimation(Sprite)

Initial Tags

Initial Language