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Revision: 27396
at June 5, 2010 11:24 by minky

Initial Code
 * @package pwFilter
 * @description pwFilter - pixawebFilter - filters a set of elements based on the title element text
 * @author Jared Clarke <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2010 (c) Jared Clarke @
 * @version 0.1
(function($) {
    $.fn.pwFilter = function(options) {

        var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.pwFilter.defaults, options);

        return this.each( function() {

            var _filter = $(this);

            var _items = $(opts.items);

            _filter.bind("keyup", function() {
                var _value = _filter.val();
                if(_value.length == 0 || _value == _filter.defaultValue) {


                    return _filter;


                _items.each( function(i, el) {

                    var _item = $(el);

                    var _title = opts.attr == "text" ? _item.find(opts.item).text() : _item.find(opts.item).attr(opts.attr) ;

                    if(_title.match(new RegExp(_value, "gi")) == null) {

                    } else {



            return _filter;

    $.fn.pwFilter.defaults = {
        items       : '', // items
        item        : '', // filter target
        attr        : '', // attribute
        duration    : 500 // duration of fade

Initial URL

Initial Description
## PWFilter

This jQuery Plugin allows you to filter a group of elements based on an attribute via an input element (a live search almost). Examples and such available on

Initial Title
PWFilter - A jQuery Element Filter Plugin

Initial Tags
jquery, filter

Initial Language