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Revision: 3626
at August 23, 2007 14:35 by tjhanley

Updated Code
//Make the AJAX call
	var url = '';
	var params = encodeURI('');
	new Ajax.Request(url, {
		asynchronous: true,
		method: "get",
		parameters: params + 'type=eval',
		onSuccess: function(request){
	  	onFailure: function(request){

Revision: 3625
at August 23, 2007 14:26 by tjhanley

Initial Code
//Make the AJAX call
	var url = '';
	var params = encodeURI('');
	new Ajax.Request(url, {
		asynchronous: true,
		method: "get",
		parameters: params + 'type=eval',
		onSuccess: function(request){
	  	onFailure: function(request){

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Prototype Ajax Request

Initial Tags
ajax, textmate

Initial Language