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Revision: 27806
at June 24, 2010 01:44 by Restuta

Updated Code
+ '~0^0?0!' + cast(t.int_priority_id as varchar(1)) 
-- ~0 - do not notify when missed; ^0 - do not notify when complete; ?0 - should be completed by customer; !1or2 - required priority.

--and how it wil be parsed
substring(str_value, 1, charindex(':', str_value) - 1), 
     nullif(substring(str_value, charindex(':', str_value) + 1, charindex(';', str_value) - charindex(':', str_value) - 1), ''),
     nullif(substring(str_value, charindex(';', str_value) + 1, charindex('~', str_value) - charindex(';', str_value) - 1), ''),
     substring(str_value, charindex('~', str_value) + 1, charindex('^', str_value) - charindex('~', str_value) - 1),
     substring(str_value, charindex('^', str_value) + 1, charindex('?', str_value) - charindex('^', str_value) - 1),
     substring(str_value, charindex('?', str_value) + 1, charindex('!', str_value) - charindex('?', str_value) - 1),
     substring(str_value, charindex('!', str_value) + 1, 8000)

Revision: 27805
at June 24, 2010 01:05 by Restuta

Initial Code
+ '~0^0?0!' + cast(t.int_priority_id as varchar(1)) 
-- ~0 - do not notify when missed; ^0 - do not notify when complete; ?0 - should be completed by customer; !1or2 - required priority.

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Coding Horror - Custom Language

Initial Tags

Initial Language