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Revision: 379
at July 12, 2006 05:35 by ekobudisetiyo

Updated Code
class fuselogic_autoload
   function find1($class = null)
      // 'class_name' -> 'class.class_name.php';
      return strtolower('class.'.$class.'.php');

   function find2($class = null)
      // 'ClassName' -> 'class.class_name.php';
      $return = strtolower(preg_replace('/[A-Z]/','_$0',$class));
      $return = str_replace('_____','','____'.$return.'____');
      $return = str_replace('____','',$return);
      $return = 'class.'.$return.'.php';
      return $return;

   function files($class = null)
      $return[] = fuselogic_autoload::find1($class);
      $return[] = fuselogic_autoload::find2($class);
      return $return;

Revision: 378
at July 12, 2006 05:34 by ekobudisetiyo

Initial Code
class fuselogic_autoload
   function find1($class = null)
      // 'class_name' -> 'class.class_name.php';
      return strtolower('class.'.$class.'.php');

   function find2($class = null)
      // 'ClassName' -> 'class.class_name.php';
      $return = strtolower(preg_replace('/[A-Z]/','_$0',$class));
      $return = str_replace('_____','','____'.$return.'____');
      $return = str_replace('____','',$return);
      $return = 'class.'.$return.'.php';
      return $return;

   function files($class = null)
      $return[] = fuselogic_autoload::find1($class);
      $return[] = fuselogic_autoload::find2($class);
      return $return;

Initial URL

Initial Description
You know how to use it when you see the code, very simple. Just use files() method.

function __autoload($class)
   $files = fuselogic_autoload::files($class);
   foreach($files as $file)
      if(@include_once($file)) break;

Initial Title
__autoload helper class

Initial Tags

Initial Language