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Revision: 3733
at September 9, 2007 04:23 by rhockens

Initial Code
sudo port -v selfupdate

Initial URL

Initial Description
After installing MacPorts, try running a selfupdate to grab all the latest MacPorts Portfiles (Portfiles contain information about how to install MacPorts software "ports"). You will need to run this command as an administrator, and it requires root access, so you'll need to "sudo":

sudo port selfupdate

Running MacPorts commands, you can add the -v command for more verbose ("v" for "verbose") output if you'd like more detail about what MacPorts is attempting to do:

sudo port -v selfupdate

If you are a developer and would like even more specific accounting of what MacPorts is doing, add the -d flag.

Initial Title
port (Update outdated portfiles)

Initial Tags
Bash, mac, osx

Initial Language