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Revision: 28141
at July 8, 2010 01:53 by Jamie

Updated Code
		<div id="slidedeck_frame"> 
			<dl class="slidedeck"> 
				<dt>Slide 1</dt> 
				<dd>Slide content</dd> 
				<dt>Slide 2</dt> 
				<dd>Slide content</dd> 
				<dt>Slide 3</dt> 
                <ul class="slidesVertical"> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 1</strong></p>
		          <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-1">I take you to vertical slide 1</a><br> 
				  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-2">I take you to vertical slide 2</a><br> 
			      <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-3">I take you to vertical slide 3</a><br> 
				  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-4">I take you to vertical slide 4</a><br> 
			      <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-5">I take you to vertical slide 5</a></li> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 2</strong></p></li> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 3</strong></p></li> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 4</strong></p></li> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 5</strong></p></li> 
				<dt>Slide 4</dt> 
				<dd>Slide content</dd> 
		<script type="text/javascript"> 
			// Let's name the SlideDeck and store it somewhere. 
			var theSlideDeck = $('.slidedeck').slidedeck();
			$(document).ready(function() {
				// Check the URL hash
				var hash = document.location.hash;
					hash = hash.split('#')[1];
					var slideIndex = hash.split('-');
					if(slideIndex.length > 1){
						// horiz & vert
						// horiz only

				// Gather all the links with a class of sd-nav
				slideDeckLinks = $('');
				// Process the links and add goTo commands
					// Get the hashes
					var hash = this.href.split('#')[1];
					// Divide the hashes into horizontal-vertical array
					var slideIndex = hash.split('-'); 
					// Make each link do nothing when it's clicked.
					// Figure out if it should be vertical and horizontal navigation or just horizontal
						event.preventDefault(); // don't follow link
						if(slideIndex.length > 1){
							// horiz & vert
							// horiz only
	    <!-- Help support SlideDeck! Place this noscript tag on your page when you deploy a SlideDeck to provide a link back! --> 
		    <p>Powered By <a href="" title="Visit">SlideDeck</a></p> 
		  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-1">I take you to horizontal slide 3 with all the vertical slides</a> 
		  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-4">I take you to horizontal slide 3, vertical slide 4</a> 
		  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#4">I take you to horizontal slide 4</a> 

Revision: 28140
at July 2, 2010 02:36 by Jamie

Initial Code
		<div id="slidedeck_frame"> 
			<dl class="slidedeck"> 
				<dt>Slide 1</dt> 
				<dd>Slide content</dd> 
				<dt>Slide 2</dt> 
				<dd>Slide content</dd> 
				<dt>Slide 3</dt> 
                <ul class="slidesVertical"> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 1</strong></p>
		          <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-1">I take you to vertical slide 1</a><br> 
				  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-2">I take you to vertical slide 2</a><br> 
			      <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-3">I take you to vertical slide 3</a><br> 
				  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-4">I take you to vertical slide 4</a><br> 
			      <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-5">I take you to vertical slide 5</a></li> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 2</strong></p></li> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 3</strong></p></li> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 4</strong></p></li> 
	              <li><p><strong>Vertical Slide 5</strong></p></li> 
				<dt>Slide 4</dt> 
				<dd>Slide content</dd> 
		<script type="text/javascript"> 
			// Let's name the SlideDeck and store it somewhere. 
			var theSlideDeck = $('.slidedeck').slidedeck();
			$(document).ready(function() {
				// Gather all the links with a class of sd-nav
				slideDeckLinks = $('');
				// Process the links and add goTo commands
					// Get the hashes
					var hash = this.href.split('#')[1];
					// Divide the hashes into horizontal-vertical array
					var slideIndex = hash.split('-'); 
					// Make each link do nothing when it's clicked.
					// Figure out if it should be vertical and horizontal navigation or just horizontal
						event.preventDefault(); // don't follow link
						if(slideIndex.length > 1){
							// horiz & vert
							// horiz only
	    <!-- Help support SlideDeck! Place this noscript tag on your page when you deploy a SlideDeck to provide a link back! --> 
		    <p>Powered By <a href="" title="Visit">SlideDeck</a></p> 
		  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-1">I take you to horizontal slide 3 with all the vertical slides</a> 
		  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#3-4">I take you to horizontal slide 3, vertical slide 4</a> 
		  <a class="sd-nav" href="/example.html#4">I take you to horizontal slide 4</a> 

Initial URL

Initial Description
This snippet requires that you have SlideDeck Pro and jQuery loaded in the head of your HTML file.

Initial Title
Go To Vertical Slides in SlideDeck Pro

Initial Tags

Initial Language