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Revision: 3749
at September 11, 2007 08:10 by valcartei

Initial Code
#home  #menu  .home a,
#about #menu  .about a,
#services #menu  .services a,
#products #menu  .products a{ color:#000000; text-decoration:underline;}

html example code for page "about":
<body id="about">
<ul id="menu">
<li class="about"><a href="../about/index.html">About</a></li>
<li class="services"><a href="../services/index.html">Services</a></li>
<li class="projects"><a href="../projects/index.html">Projects</a></li>

Initial URL

Initial Description
give a class name to each link according to the page it redirects to.
give attribute id to the body of the template and make the attribute editable (Dreamweaver lets you do that: select the attrib, Modify>Templates>Make attribute editable and tick the checkbox.
For each page change id value to be the same as the class of the link referring to the page.
(to do that, go to Modify>Template properties)

Initial Title
highlight selected item in menu CSS only

Initial Tags

Initial Language