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Revision: 28322
at July 7, 2010 03:46 by brandonjp

Updated Code
set badapp to "SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader"

do shell script "ps ax | grep -i " & quoted form of badapp & " | grep -v grep | cut -c 1-6"
set pNum to result
	do shell script "kill -9 " & pNum
end try

Revision: 28321
at July 7, 2010 03:45 by brandonjp

Initial Code
set badapp to "SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader"

do shell script "ps ax | grep -i " & quoted form of badapp & " | grep -v grep | cut -c 1-6"
set pNum to result
	do shell script "kill -9 " & pNum
end try

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
AppleScript to force quit an app - sugar sync kill SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader

Initial Tags
textmate, terminal

Initial Language