Revision: 28561
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at July 9, 2010 21:54 by Eloi
Initial Code
Create Proc SearchAndReplace ( @SearchStr nVarChar(100), @ReplaceStr nVarChar(100) ) As Begin Set NoCount On Declare @TableName nVarChar(256), @ColumnName nVarChar(128), @SearchStr2 nVarChar(110), @SQL nVarChar(4000), @RCTR Int Set @TableName = '' Set @SearchStr2 = QuoteName('%' + @SearchStr + '%','''') Set @RCTR = 0 While @TableName Is Not Null Begin Set @ColumnName = '' Set @TableName = ( Select Min(QuoteName(TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QuoteName(TABLE_NAME)) From INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables Where Table_TYPE = 'BASE Table' And QuoteName(TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QuoteName(TABLE_NAME) > @TableName And ObjectProperty ( Object_Id(QuoteName(TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QuoteName(TABLE_NAME)), 'IsMSShipped' ) = 0 ) While (@TableName Is Not Null) And (@ColumnName Is Not Null) Begin Set @ColumnName = ( Select Min(QuoteName(COLUMN_NAME)) From INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS Where TABLE_SCHEMA = PARSENAME(@TableName, 2) And TABLE_NAME = PARSENAME(@TableName, 1) And DATA_TYPE IN ('char', 'VarChar', 'nchar', 'nVarChar') And QuoteName(COLUMN_NAME) > @ColumnName ) If @ColumnName Is Not Null Begin Set @SQL = 'Update ' + @TableName + ' Set ' + @ColumnName + ' = ' + 'Replace(' + @ColumnName + ', ' + QuoteName(@SearchStr, '''') + ', ' + QuoteName(@ReplaceStr, '''') + ') ' + 'Where ' + @ColumnName + ' Like ' + @SearchStr2 Exec (@SQL) Set @RCTR = @RCTR + @@ROWCOUNT End End End Select 'Replaced ' + CAST(@RCTR As VarChar) + ' occurence(s)' As 'Outcome' End
Initial URL
Initial Description
Stored Procedure for search and replace a string in all fields of all tables of one DataBase
Initial Title
SQL Searh And Replace in ALL DataBase
Initial Tags
search, replace
Initial Language