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Revision: 28957
at July 17, 2010 04:21 by Shurik76

Initial Code
'Counts number of occurrences of a certain char(s) in a string, returns number
Function CharCount(SourceString, CharsToFind)

LengthOfSourceString = Len(SourceString)
LengthOfCharsToFind = Len(CharsToFind)

If LengthOfCharsToFind >= LengthOfSourceString Then
    If LCase(CharsToFind) = LCase(SourceString) Then
        CharCount = 1
        CharCount = 0
    End If
    Exit Function
    LoopLength = (LengthOfSourceString - LengthOfCharsToFind) + 1
    OccurrenseCounter = 0
    For i=1 to LoopLength
        CurrentSample = Mid(SourceString,i,LengthOfCharsToFind)
        If LCase(CurrentSample) = LCase(CharsToFind) Then
            OccurrenseCounter = OccurrenseCounter + 1
        End If
    CharCount = OccurrenseCounter
End If

End Function

Initial URL

Initial Description
Count the Number of Occurrences of a Character Sequence in a String

Initial Title
Character Count

Initial Tags

Initial Language