Return to Snippet

Revision: 29913
at August 25, 2010 07:05 by Jamie

Updated Code
 * Creates a YouTube thumbnail URL from a YouTube video URL
function youtube_video_thumbnail($url,$index=0){
        return ''.$matches[1].'/'.$index.'.jpg';
        return ''.$matches[2].'/'.$index.'.jpg';
        return false;

Revision: 29912
at August 6, 2010 02:18 by Jamie

Updated Code
 * Creates a Yoututbe thumbnial URL from a YouTube video URL
function youtube_video_thumbnail($url){
        return ''.$matches[1].'/0.jpg';
        return false;

Revision: 29911
at August 5, 2010 03:09 by Jamie

Initial Code

Initial URL

Initial Description
I\'ve added an additional case to handle videos linked from a user\'s channel.

Initial Title
Youtube Video ID Regex & PHP Function

Initial Tags
regex, php, video

Initial Language