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Revision: 30130
at August 8, 2010 09:51 by goatboy91587

Updated Code
//declare an int with a value of 5 and boolean
var five:int = 5;
var bool:Boolean;

if (five > 6)
	bool = true;
	bool = false;

//when comparing booleans, always make sure to 
//use two '=' signs, otherwise you'll set the 
//value of the variable to what you are trying
//to compare. This is called a logical operator.
if (bool == true)
	trace("This should actually be false. The value is 5, " +
		  "greater than 6.")
	trace("The value of the int is 5.");

Revision: 30129
at August 8, 2010 09:46 by goatboy91587

Initial Code
//declare an int with a value of 5 and boolean
var five:int = 5;
var bool:Boolean = false;

if (five > 6)
	bool = true;
	bool = false;

//when comparing booleans, always make sure to 
//use two '=' signs, otherwise you'll set the 
//value of the variable to what you are trying
//to compare. This is called a logical operator.
if (bool == true)
	trace("This should actually be false. The value is 5, " +
		  "greater than 6.")
	trace("The value of the int is 5.");

Initial URL

Initial Description
Used for the blog post:

Initial Title
AS3 Boolean Example

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3