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Revision: 30234
at August 10, 2010 15:16 by Nettuts

Updated Code
// Check if the browser understands the video element.
function understands_video() {
  return !!document.createElement('video').canPlayType; // boolean

if ( !understands_video() ) { 
	// Must be older browser or IE. 
	// Maybe do something like hide custom
	// HTML5 controls. Or whatever... = 'none';

Revision: 30233
at August 10, 2010 15:16 by Nettuts

Initial Code
// Check if the browser understands the video element.
function understands_video() {
  return !!document.createElement('video').canPlayType; // boolean

if ( !understands_video() ) { 
	// Must be older browser or IE. 
	// Maybe do something like hide custom
	// HTML5 controls. Or whatever... = 'none';

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Determine if Browser Understands HTML5 Video

Initial Tags

Initial Language