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Revision: 30305
at August 11, 2010 17:41 by Sverri

Updated Code


  1. Add the CSS files you want included to the $file array. */

  $file[] = 'reset.css';
  $file[] = 'typography.css';
  $file[] = 'design.css';

  2. Save this file.

  3. Point your HTML files to this script, eg.
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/this-file.php" />

  4. Save the HTML file and refresh browser.


header('Content-type: text/css; Charset=utf-8');

function minifyCSS($f)
  return preg_replace(array('/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//','/\s*([;:{},>+])\s*/',
foreach ($file as $name)
  if (file_exists($name))
    echo minifyCSS($name);

Revision: 30304
at August 11, 2010 17:36 by Sverri

Updated Code


  1. Add the CSS files you want included to the $file array. */

  $file[] = 'reset.css';
  $file[] = 'typography.css';
  $file[] = 'design.css';

  2. Save this file.

  3. Point your HTML files to this script, eg.
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/this-file.php" />

  4. Save the HTML file and refresh browser.


header('Content-type: text/css; Charset=utf-8');

function minifyCSS($f)
  return preg_replace(array('/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//','/\s*([\;\:\{\}\,\>\+])\s*/',
foreach ($file as $name)
  if (file_exists($name))
    echo minifyCSS($name);

Revision: 30303
at August 11, 2010 16:36 by Sverri

Initial Code


  1. Add the CSS files you want included to the $file array. */

  $file[] = 'reset.css';
  $file[] = 'typography.css';
  $file[] = 'design.css';

  2. Save this file.

  3. Point your HTML files to this script, eg.
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/this-file.php" />

  4. Save the HTML file and refresh browser.


header('Content-type: text/css; Charset=utf-8');

function minifyCSS($f)
  return preg_replace(array('/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//','/(\s+)?([\;\:\{\}\,\>\+])(\s+)?/',
foreach ($file as $name)
  if (file_exists($name))
    echo minifyCSS($name);

Initial URL

Initial Description
Minify and combine CSS files. Instructions in code.

Initial Title
Minify and combine CSS files

Initial Tags

Initial Language