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Revision: 30323
at August 11, 2010 23:16 by reynish

Initial Code
// AJAXin links

// Stop default actions on the links we want to hijack
$('#navigation a[href$=html]').bind('click', function(event) {

// Click on link within id with ending of HTML triggers this
$('#navigation a[href$=html]').click(function(e) {
	// Grab the href attribute of the clicked A and use it as linkURL variable
	var linkURL = $(this).attr('href');
	// Show the Element that the content will be displayed in
	// AJAX
	// Use the variable linkURL as source for AJAX request
	url: linkURL,
	dataType: 'html',
	// If all goes well
	success: function(data) {
		// This is where the fetched content will go
			// HTML added to DIV while content loads (It loads my spinner, you'll have to come up with your own)
			.html('<div id="spinningLoader"><img class="loader" src="spinnerBlack.png" alt="spinnerBlack" width="100" height="100" /></div> ')
			// Load from this URL this element class
			.load(linkURL + ' .columnWide');
		// It worked mother flipper
		$.print('Load was performed.');

Initial URL

Initial Description
Hijack (Ajack?) links within an element so instead of booting you to a fresh page it loads the information to a specified DIV. 

If you have any suggestions on how to make it better then let me know

Initial Title
Getting and showing content with Jquery & Ajax

Initial Tags
ajax, jquery

Initial Language