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Revision: 30330
at August 12, 2010 03:51 by dan_hoerr

Updated Code
  				function(value, element) {
    				//if (element.value == "blank"){
					if (element.options.selectedIndex == "0"){
      				return false;
    				else return true;
  				"Please select an option."
				  rules: { 
	      			program1: { 
	        			selectNone: true 

Revision: 30329
at August 12, 2010 01:51 by dan_hoerr

Initial Code
$(document).ready(function() { ;
  				function(value, element) {
    				if (element.selectedIndex == "0"){
      				return false;
    				else return true;
  				"Please select an option."
				  rules: { 
	      			program1: { 
	        			selectNone: true 

Initial URL

Initial Description
requires that a pulldown \\\"program1\\\" in form \\\"freshmen\\\" be set to anything but the first value in the option list.  \\r\\n\\r\\nrequires jquery validate:

Initial Title
Drop down validation

Initial Tags
dropdown, jquery, validation

Initial Language