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Revision: 30358
at August 12, 2010 18:28 by xkeshav

Initial Code
/** This function is used to debug variables during page execution
	* @param $what , the variable which need to debug,can be array or single variable
	* @param $more , to know the method and line number where that variable is used
	* @param $die , set TRUE if want to stop the page
	* how to use : debug::watch($postarray,1,1);
	* @author keshav mohta
	* @date Aug 12, 2010
class debug()
	static function watch($what,$more=FALSE,$die=FALSE)
		$d = debug_backtrace();
		if($more && isset($d[1])) 
         	echo "<br/>METHOD:".$d[1]['class']."::".$d[1]['function'];
            echo "<br/>LINE:".$d[0]['line'];
		echo "<br/>";
		if( is_array($d[0]['args'][0]) || is_object($d[0]['args'][0]) )
			echo "DATA:<pre>";
			echo "</pre>";
			echo "Data:".$d[0]['args'][0];
			echo "<br/>";
			die('ends here');

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is the PHP code to debug any variable ..

Initial Title
code to debug variables

Initial Tags
php, debug

Initial Language